信天翁飞行路径揭密 46天环球一周 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/17 15:47 国际在线 |
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The mystery of where albatrosses go during their epic migrations has been solved by a study that will help the world's most threatened family of birds. The research, based on tracking the precise movements of 22 birds, reveals that males are most likely to circumnavigate the world, with the fastest managing a distance of 14,000 miles in 46 days - the equivalent of a steady 13mph. The study has key conservation benefits because it offers the first hope of identifying the major wintering and staging areas used by this species, which is the first step in reducing its unnecessary slaughter by legal and illegal long-line fishing methods. The study, reported in the journal Science today by Prof John Croxall and colleagues from the British Antarctic Survey, outlines, for the first time, the year-round habitat of the grey-headed albatross, Thalassarche chrystostoma. Prof Croxall said: "By understanding where these birds go when they're not breeding, we can brief governments and fisheries commissions to impose much stricter measures capable of reducing the number of birds killed by 75 to 95 per cent, depending on the type of fishery." The project began in April 1999 when the scientists caught birds that were on an annual breeding stopover on Bird Island, South Georgia. By attaching tiny logging devices, called geo-locators, to the birds' legs for 18 months or more, BAS scientists found that most birds travelled from the coast of South Georgia to areas of the south-west Indian Ocean, where there is long-line fishing for tuna. More than half then made amazing round-the-world journeys - the fastest in just 46 days. As the loggers only provide two positions per day, an accurate estimate of the distance is impossible but it is likely to have been at least 14,000 miles. The scientists were surprised to find that this species travelled so far and stayed out over the high seas for so long. With 12 birds making global circumnavigations (three birds twice), this might prove to be the most migratory of all albatrosses. Before this study, there was no knowledge of the grey-headed albatross's wintering habitat apart from a few reports of ringed birds found dead on beaches or killed in fisheries in the South Atlantic and Indian Ocean. Within the albatross family, 19 of 21 groups are on the Red List of the IUCN, the World Conservation Union, as globally threatened, said Prof Croxall. "Knowing where the albatrosses will interact with fishing vessels provides governments and fisheries commissions with accurate information to stop the killing of these charismatic birds. The right combination of measures will drastically reduce deaths." |
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信天翁飞行路径揭密 46天环球一周 |
在海上航行的人们,常常可以看到一群展翅盘旋的海鸟——信天翁,它们总是跟着海轮寻觅食物,但人们却不知道它们究竟要飞向何方。同时,世界上一种被叫做“延绳钓法”的捕鱼方式使无数的信天翁惨遭误杀。最近,一份研究报告解开了有关信天翁飞行路径的秘密,这将对保护这类世界濒危鸟类起到至关重要的作用。 据英国《每日电讯报》1月14日报道,从1999年4月开始,来自英国南极勘查组克罗克索尔教授领导的科研小组对22只信天翁做了详细地跟踪调查后发现,雄性信天翁很喜欢做环绕地球飞行,而其中飞行速度最快的可以在46天之内环游地球一周(约2.24万公里),平均时速达到20.8公里。这些信天翁飞行路程之远,飞行时间之长让科学家很惊讶。研究中有12只信天翁环游世界一周,其它3只环游了两周,这可能是信天翁中飞行路线最长的。 在次研究成果公布之前,人们对于信天翁的了解知之甚少。全世界信天翁科鸟类共有21种,其中有19种都出现在国际自然与自然资源保护联合会的濒危动物名单上。由于海洋岛屿的火山爆发和人们为了获取商业用的信天翁羽毛而进行的过度猎捕,致使其种群数量日趋下降,现在世界上仅有700多只信天翁幸存,几近绝灭。 在一首名为《古舟子咏》的外国古诗中,信天翁是大海和水手的保护神,所以当一只信天翁被一个老水手杀害后,水手们就厄运难逃了。外国古诗中的老水手只是杀死了一只信天翁,如今,数以万计的信天翁正遭到死亡的命运。它们常常被用来捕捉金枪鱼、箭鱼和底栖鱼的钓鱼线上的钩子勾住后淹死在海里,这种钓鱼线加起来长达130多公里,上面带有成千上万放着诱饵的钩子,在鱼沉入水中之前,信天翁、海燕和剪嘴鸥等鸟类常追逐在后面捕食,从而误入罗网。每年,全世界因用这种“延绳钓法”捕鱼而被误杀的海鸟有近30种,大约18万只,信天翁就是“延绳钓法”的最大受害者之一。如果这种情况得不到制止,它们很快就会绝种。 1999年4月,克罗克索尔教授领导的科研小组在美国南乔治亚洲的伯德岛上抓捕了几只在岛上繁殖的信天翁。科学家们通过安装在这些信天翁腿上的微型监控装置,对它们进行了长达18个多月的观察研究。他们发现,信天翁从美国南乔治亚州出发最后到达印度洋的西南海域,而这里恰恰是当地渔民利用““延绳钓法”捕获金枪鱼的主要地区。 克罗克索尔教授领导的科研小组在最新一期美国《科学》杂志上发表了研究报告。克罗克索尔教授在报告中指出,这项研究的重要意义在于,人们可以找到信天翁飞行的路径,从而减少由于“延绳钓法”捕鱼对它们造成不必要的伤害。他说:“通过对信天翁路径的研究,我们可以让政府和渔民采取有效的措施,这样大约可以减少75%至95%的信天翁遭到误杀。当得知信天翁的路径后,政府和渔民就可以获得正确的信息,进而减少对这些鸟的伤害。”(文/蒋黎黎) |