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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/19 18:02  国际在线


  1. chemistry是说当两个人相遇并相互吸引,感觉两个人之间象发生了剧烈的化学反应,有种奇妙的感觉,就是融洽,相互吸引或意气相投;比如:The chemistry was good between the partners.合伙人合作默契。

  2. 这里省略了主语和谓语,应该是I was stuck in a maze, searching for a way to shut down the chemistry. searching for 这里做伴随状语。search for寻找某人某物,相当于look for。search后面还可以加上地点,比如:They were searching the woods for the missing kid. 他们在树林里搜索寻找那个失踪的小孩。

  3. ground 这个词还有一个有趣的意义:关着某人,不让他出去。一般是指父母对小孩做错事的一种惩罚。

  比如: If Tom drives his daddy's car again, he will be grounded for a month. 如果汤姆再偷开他爸爸的车,他就一个月不能出去玩。

  4. vanity takes vacation time on me直译是虚荣在我这度假,其实就是我爱慕虚荣。

  5. be in a daze晕眩,迷惑 比如: I'm in a daze with drugs. 我吃了药之后头晕。

  6. north of gravity是指远离地心引力,好象跑到天上去了。head up in the stratosphere, stratosphere 也是stratum, 同温层,最上层,这里可以理解为最高的云层。you and I roller coaster riding love可以理解为our love is like riding on the roller coaster 我们的爱情就象坐过山车,当然是很刺激了。

  7. adrenalin肾上腺素,当人情绪激动的时候,就会分泌这种激素。

  8. something means something to some one,某物对某人有某种意义,比如: Money means nothing to him. 金钱对他来说一点都不重要。You mean a lot to me. 你对我很重要。

  9. be frightened to do something 相当于be scared to do something害怕做某事。

  10. Something about someone/something 关于某人某物的某些事,这是一个有用的词组,比如: One thing I like about her is her soft voice. 我喜欢她温柔的嗓音。He smokes and that' s one thing I don't like about him. 他抽烟,我不喜欢他这一点。There's something about school that I don't like. 学校里有些事情我不喜欢。 所以这个短语可以用来表达你的好恶。

  11. make one's way through 奋力穿过,挤过。 比如: We made our way through the excited crowd. 我们从兴奋的人群当中挤出来。

  12. up is down上下颠倒,那么up and down 就是上上下下,上下颠簸。 比如: The bus went up and down and I was gonna throw up. 汽车上下颠簸,我就快吐了。

  13.The impossible不可能的事。make the impossible possible把不可能的事变成可能,化腐朽为神奇。

  14. thrill这个词的表达的程度比happy高, 狂喜,非常高兴。 比如: I'm thrilled to hear the news. 听到这个消息我高兴的要发疯了。



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