考古学家鉴定詹姆斯敦骸骨身份(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/02 11:06 国际在线 |
Today in England an archaeological team began the search for DNA that could prove that the skeleton pictured above is that of Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold. In 1607 Gosnold founded the English colony at Jamestown, Virginia, but died a few months later. Gosnold's sister and niece are believed to be buried in churchyards in Suffolk, England. If their DNA can be extracted from their remains—and if that DNA matches Gosnold's—archaeologists will know for sure that the bones are Gosnold's. With the support of the Church of England and funding from the National Geographic Society, the graveyards were to be surveyed today with ground radar, to establish the feasibility of taking DNA samples. If DNA can be obtained, the result of comparative tests will be revealed in a television documentary produced by National Geographic Television & Film. The documentary is expected to air in November 2005. |
考古学家鉴定詹姆斯敦骸骨身份(图) |
1607年,英国探险家巴塞洛缪-戈斯诺尔德(Bartholomew Gosnold)在詹姆斯敦建立了英国人在北美洲的第一个殖民地;2003年,美国考古学家在维吉尼亚的詹姆斯敦发现了一具被认为是戈斯诺尔德的遗骨。为了最终确定“詹姆斯敦骸骨”的真实身份,考古小组日前决定从戈斯诺尔德亲戚的尸骨中提取DNA,并进行检测。 据美联社1月31日报道,目前,他们的这一计划已得到了有关方面的许可,考古小组于1月31日开始在英国某地寻找戈斯诺尔德姐姐和侄女的尸骨,“詹姆斯敦骸骨”身份鉴定工作由此拉开…… 为了弄清詹姆斯敦骸骨的主人,考古学家们必须要找到戈斯诺尔德姐姐和侄女的墓穴,并从骸骨中提取到DNA样本,然后用“詹姆斯敦骸骨”中提取的DNA与之相比较,看它们是否匹配。 考古学家们认为戈斯诺尔德姐姐和侄女的墓穴应该位于英国赛福克郡的两座教堂内,而这两座教堂属于英国国教管辖范围。在得到英国国教的许可后,1月31日考古小组使用地面雷达对两座教堂进行了探测,以确定提取DNA样本的可能性。 考古学家表示,如果能够找到戈斯诺尔德姐姐和子女的墓穴,他们将在得到有关方面的允许后,从中取出少量骨骼或牙齿,用来进行DNA检测。如果一切进行得顺利,那么最后的分析结果将通过一部电视记录片展示给世人。预计,这部纪录片可能会在今年11月份与人们见面。(文/王高山) |