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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/02 14:06  英语辅导报

  1. be beat

  (=very tired很累,很疲倦)

  I'm beat. 我累极了。

  2. be up beat

  (=be confident/enthusiastic有信心,有热情)

  He's up beat. 他满怀信心/满腔热情。

  3. be off beat

  (=be unusual/uncommon奇异,不寻常)

  It's off beat. 这与众不同。

  4. be off the beaten path

  (=be out of the way/not easily found偏道,不易发觉)

  It's off the beaten path. 这很偏僻/不易找到。

  5. beat it

  (=go away走开)

  Beat it!走开/滚开!

  6. beat sb. off/out

  (=defeat sb. 打败某人,击败某人)

  We have beaten them off/out.我们打败了他们。

  7. beat about/around the bush

  (=be indirect不直接地说,拐弯抹角地说)

  Don't beat about/around the bush.要直接地说/怎么想就怎么说。

  8. beat sb. at sb.'s own game

  (=defeat sb. in an activity in which he thinks that he is strong 将计就计地战胜某人)

  We'll beat him at his own game. 我们要将计就计地战胜他。

  9. run to beat the band

  (=run very fast/enthusiastically 跑得很快/起劲)

  He's running to beat the band. 他跑得很快。

  10. beat sb. to the punch

  (=act before sb. does 抢在某人行动之前)

  He beat me to the punch. 他抢在我前面行动。

  11. beat a dead horse

  (=waste one's time浪费时间、精力)

  You're beating a dead horse. 你别浪费时间了/在做无用的事。

  12. beat one's gums

  (=talk uselessly讲废话)

  You're beating your gums. 你在说废话。

  13. beat sb.

  (=sb. doesn't know/understand某人不知晓/不懂)

  It beats me!我不懂/这可难倒我了!

  14. beat the bushes

  (=make a great effort to develop support and interest 极力寻找支持和好处)

  They beat the bushes for their government. 他们极力寻求政府的支持。

  He beat the bushes to find a good job. 他极力寻找一份好的工作。

  (文/邹世诚 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第19期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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