亚洲开发银行日前宣布设立海啸基金 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:17 国际在线 |
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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said Friday it would set up a 600-million-dollar fund to deliver prompt emergency funding to Asian countries hit by the Indian Ocean tsunamis in December. The Asian Tsunami Fund will deliver grants for emergency technical assistance and investment projects to support reconstruction and rehabilitation in India, Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand, the ADB said. It will also accept and distribute contributions from bilateral, multilateral, and individual sources, including companies and foundations, the Philippines-based bank said in a statement. Funding could be granted for public services such as water supply and sanitation, electricity and communications; infrastructure such as roads, railways and ports; health and education services; agriculture and fisheries; housing; restoring livelihoods; and containment of environmental damage. The ADB said it would work with governments to deliver the aid packages and base its contributions on needs assessments that it has has been carrying out with the World Bank, UN and other agencies. The bank will host a high-level meeting here on March 18 to take stock of the recovery and pledges of support, and seek to reach a common understanding on rehabilitation and reconstruction programs over the next four to five years. Ministers from the affected countries, donor nation and senior representatives from the United Nations, the World Bank and other multilateral organizations have been invited to attend. |
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亚洲开发银行日前宣布设立海啸基金 |
总部位于菲律宾首都马尼拉的亚洲开发银行2月18日宣布,它将设立总值6亿美元的亚洲海啸基金,以便为去年年底遭受印度洋海啸之灾的亚洲国家提供紧急资金援助。 据菲律宾GMA新闻网2月18日报道,亚行发表声明说,该行希望通过设立海啸基金建立联合融资机制,吸引各方的捐助。同时,亚行将与世界银行、联合国以及其他国际机构联手对海啸受灾国情况进行评估,之后根据评估结果,为亚洲受灾国家提供重建援助。 据悉,亚行海啸基金的受益国家主要包括印度、印度尼西亚、马尔代夫、斯里兰卡和泰国。 援助资金将用于受灾国家和地区的水、电以及通讯等公共服务领域,公路、铁路、港口码头等基础设施领域,以及教育、卫生服务、农业、房屋修复和重建等。 此外,亚洲开发银行拟定于今年3月18日召开高级别会议,旨在评估亚洲海啸受灾国家的灾后恢复情况以及援助承诺的执行情况,同时,与会各方还将就未来4到5年内的受灾国家的重建工作达成共识。受灾国家的相关部长,捐赠国代表以及联合国、世界银行等国际组织的代表将应邀出席此次会议。(文/咸杰) |