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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:17  英语通


  Ebron James isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but he's probably the best. He has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an All-Star (全明星球员).

  This 1 _______ was on 2 _______ as he scored 41 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers (克里夫兰骑士队) to a 107—104 win over the New Jersey Nets (新泽西网队) on March 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the 3 _______ player to score 40 or more in the NBA.

  “It was by far James' best 4 _______ ,” said Cleveland coach Paul Silas.

  Known to his friends 5 _______ “the king”, this was the day James earned his crown(王冠). But he was 6 _______ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. 7 _______ many other African-American basketball players, James' early years were a 8 _______ . His mother Gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. 9 _______ help from his grandmother and neighbours, James would 10 _______ have died when he was young.

  This spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any 11 _______ he finds. “I 12 _______ losing, I don't like losing,” said James of his 41-point display. “I 13 _______ the opportunity for us to win and I was 14 _______ to capture it.” At 2.03 metres, he is no Yao Ming but this didn't 15 _______ him being first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was 16 _______ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school American football.

  Although he has a 17 _______ brain, James has never had to concentrate on 18 _______ . Some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to 19 _______ his mind. But James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune 20 _______ a diploma (文凭). On the court, he is king.

  1. A. action B. performance C. activity D. talent

  2. A. sale B. exhibition C. show D. duty

  3. A. oldest B. strongest C. tallest D. youngest

  4. A. performance B. lesson C. action D. appearance

  5. A. for B. as C. by D. with

  6. A. well B. far C. deep D. late

  7. A. As B. Like C. Likely D. Alike

  8. A. fight B. struggle C. battle D. war

  9. A. Except for B. Except C. Besides D. Without

  10. A. certainly B. impossible C. hardly D. probably

  11. A. goal B. game C. match D. chance

  12. A. hate B. refuse C. object D. reject

  13. A. grasped B. seized C. caught D. held

  14. A. afraid B. unlucky C. able D. certain

  15. A. keep B. forbid C. protect D. stop

  16. A. according B. referring C. thanks D. sticking

  17. A. fast B. quick C. high D. top

  18. A. studying B. resting C. sleeping D. eating

  19. A. advance B. march C. increase D. develop

  20. A. apart from B. but C. except D. without


  1. D

  2. C 3月28日当他带领克里夫兰骑士队以107:104击败新泽西网队时这种能力显示了出来,在这场比赛中他一人独得41分。这种能力指上文所提的全明星球员在身体、技术和智力方面的综合素质。

  3. D 由上文提到的19岁87天反推该空强调James 年纪轻。

  4. A 一场比赛个人得分过40分或更多是一种好的表现。

  5. B known as,“作为……是有名的”,符合题意。

  6. B 由下文介绍的童年时期不幸生活反推,那时他还远不是一个球王。

  7. B 分析语境可知,该空表“像……一样”,应填Like。

  8. B 由下文所介绍的童年不幸生活反推,James的童年生活是一种挣扎。

  9. D 10. D 没有祖母和邻居的帮助,James也许很小的时候就死了。

  11. D take any chance,“利用机会”,符合题意。

  12. A 下文的don't like暗示该空应填hate。

  13. B seize the opportunity,“抓住机会”,与语境逻辑相符。

  14. C 分析语境可知,该空表“能够”,应填able。

  15. D stop sb. (from) doing sth.,“阻止某人做某事”,符合题意。若将stop 改为keep,from不可省,所以A错误。

  16. C 分析语境可知,该空表“多亏了”,应填thanks。

  17. B 强调“聪明的、反应快的”,应用quick,而不用fast。

  18. A 下文的college暗示该空应填studying。

  19. D 上大学的目的是开发智力,因此该空应填develop。

  20. D James成了没有文凭而成名的幸运者。

  (文/丁兰; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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