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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:18  英语通





  The lottery of the World Cup draw has handed Asia a golden opportunity to make its wonderful performance yet on the global football stage. December last year, the draw of the 2002 FIFA World Cup finals was as kind as it could have been to three out of four of the Asian teams who will do battle in Japan and South Korea in the summer.

  China, Japan and South Korea cart all hold realistic hopes of advancing from what are likely to be closely fought first round groups. Only Saudi Arabia has been left with what looks like an impossible task, after being pooled with Germany, Ireland and African champions Cameroon.

  China's debut (the first appearance) in the World Cup finals will provide the highlight for the Asian teams, after they were lined up to face Brazil, Turkey and Costa Rica. “We know Brazil will be difficult but that is okay,” said China's Yugoslav coach Bora Milutinovic. Brazil may have struggled through the South American qualifying competition but few doubt they will be a much more dangerous outfit by the time the action gets underway particularly if star striker Ronaldo completes his comeback from injury. “Brazil are still Brazil,” acknowledged Milutinovic. “You can never write them off. ”

  For Milutinovic, the match against Costa Rica will be a special occasion. The central American team is one of the four sides he has previously coached at World Cup finals and the team's current coach, Alexander Guimaraes, is one of his former assistants.

  Being joint hosts, South Korea and Japan, “were equally smiled upon by the gods of fortune. South Korea, in particular, will be optimistic about its chances of progressing from a group that includes highly-rated Portugal, the United States and Poland. Japan, likewise, will feel it has a chance against Belgium, Russia and Tunisia. However, both coaches—the Korean's Dutch coach, Gus Hiddink and Japan's French coach, Philippe Troussier—played down the suggestions that a place in the second round is assured because no one can predict what will happen before the matches.


  在第一步阅读文章时,笔者反对字斟句酌,花大量的时间去搞懂生僻单词、词组和专有名词的意思。因为这样一来影响解题速度,而且实际上有些生僻单词、词组及专有名词与题目毫无关系,所以也没有必要搞懂它们的意思。如此文中Bora Milutinovic、Gus Hiddink、Philippe Troussier三位教练的名字我们根本没有必要花时间去搞懂它们的中文翻译,只要大致上知道他们是中国、韩国和日本队的主教练就行了。




  According to the above passage which team seems to have the greatest difficulty in progressing from the first round?

  A. China B. South Korea C. Japan D. Saudi Arabia

  解答此题时首先应该认真读一遍题干,提炼出最有说服力的词语或结构,在这里无疑是have the greatest difficulty, 那么带着这个词组有目的性地再读文章,不难发现文章第二段第五行an impossible task与这个词组有同样的意思,找到了表达同种意思的不同搭配这一步就算大功告成了,答案为D。

  在带着关键词进行阅读时我们务必要注意这样一条原则,即一定要转化,千万不要希冀在文章中找到与题干主要内容一模一样的单词或词组。如题干中是hard,可能在文章中你会发现是no easy job, difficult等单词、词组。殊途同归,其实变化也就暗示你已经找到了正确答案。



  如刚才那一道题目,我们以an impossible task这个词组为中心进行扫读,发现在这个有效信息的前面有Only Saudi Arabia这个字样,那么这就是能够说明问题,帮助我们选择正确答案的信息。完成这点,那么这一步就顺利结束了,我们已经能够看到胜利的曙光了。



  在第三步搜索到有效信息的基础上,我们进入了最后的攻坚阶段,即临门一脚、找出正确答案的阶段,在这一阶段,我们有时会发现问题解决起来非常简单,如上面一题,根据有效信息Only Saudi Arabia我们可以轻而易举地得出正确答案D. Saudi Arabia。但有时我们会发现一波三折,在这里我们还需要进行转换,即同种意思的不同表达形式,如我们通过前面几步得出的有效信息是: have a good time, 而题项中却没有,只有enjoy oneself,显然,这就是正确答案,因为两者都是“玩得很高兴、很快乐”的意思。


  Question: Why did the coaches of both South Korea and Japan play down the suggestions that a place in the second round is assured?

  A. Because they know they will meet with some strong teams in the first round.

  B. Because they know they will meet with some teams that are rather weak but they want to save their face.

  C. Because they know football is football and no one knows the results until the games are played.

  D. Because they want to make their opponents confused before the games.

  第一步: 通读全文,明白本文大意讲述的是韩日世界杯亚洲队伍分组情况。

  第二步: 细读题干,查寻到转换内容是:play down the suggestions,再在文章中发现最后一段最后一句played down the suggestions that...有同样意思。

  第三步: 扫读语块,搜索有效信息是because no one can predict what will happen before the matches。



  Question: Which is the best title of this passage?

  A. Asia has a chance in the World Cup

  B. South Korea and Japan will join forces to host the World Cup

  C. China is expected to do well in the World Cup

  D. Bora's comments on the World Cup finals




  (文/朱建焕; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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