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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:20  英语通

  I. perform; act; play; put on



  1. He performs Hamlet better than anyone else. 他演哈姆雷特比任何人都演得好。

  2. You often see musicians performing in the streets to passers-by. 你可以经常看到音乐家在街头为行人演奏。


  1. An important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play. 一位颇有影响的导演看到卓别林在扮演一个非常滑稽的角色。

  2. The little boy was chosen to act in the TV play. 那个小男孩被选来演电视剧。


  1. She played the part as early as 1950. 她早在1950年就演过这个角色。

  2. I'm playing in London next Thursday. 下周四我会来伦敦演出。

  3. They usually write exact instructions how the music is to be played. 他们通常还要为如何演奏他们的音乐写出精确的说明。

  put on仅作及物动词用,强调“上演”这一事实。如:

  1. The actors put on a fine play by Shakespeare. 演员们上演了莎士比亚的一出好戏。

  2. They are going to put it on in the Capital Theatre. 他们打算在首都剧院演。

  II. spread; extend



  1. With the rapid growth of population, the city ________ in all directions in the past five years.

  A. spreads B. has spread

  C. spread D. had spread (B)


  2. Papermaking began in China and from here it ________ to North Africa and Europe.

  A. spread B. grew

  C. carried D. developed (A)


  1. The hot weather extended into October. 炎热天气一直持续到十月。

  2. The rubber plantation ________ as far as the river.

  A. advances B. extends C. lies D. develops (B)

  III. turn into; turn around; turn on / off; turn down / up

  turn into意为:“使变成;翻译;改写”。如:

  1. If we go on cutting down forests,

  we'll turn the land into a desert. 如果我们继续砍掉森林,我们将会把土地变成沙漠。

  2. Please turn the text into Chinese. 请把课文译成汉语。

  turn around意为:“ 转过身;转过来”。如:

  She turned around and saw what had happened. 她转过身来看发生什么事。

  turn on / off意为:“开/关电灯(收音机、煤气等)”。如:

  1. Do you mind if I turn on the electric fan? It's too hot today. 今天太热了,我打开电扇行吗?

  2. — The light in the office is still on. — Oh, I forgot ________ .

  A. turning it off

  B. turn it off

  C. to turn it off

  D. having turned it off (C)

  turn down / up意为:“扭小/大收音机(音量、灯等)”。如:

  1. ________ down the radio—the baby's asleep in the next room.

  A. Turning B. To turn

  C. Turned D. Turn (D)

  2. I can hardly hear the radio. Would you please ________ ?

  A. turn it on B. turn it down

  C. turn it up D. turn it off (C)

  IV. desire; hope; wish


  1. 含义区别:


  1. His father desired him to be a merchant. 他的父亲希望他当个商人。

  2. He sent me an e-mail, ________ to get further information.

  A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope (B)

  2. 用法区别:


  She desires you to come at once. 她渴望你立刻就来。


  I desire that he go at once. 我要求他立刻走。

  I hope that he goes at once. 我希望他立刻走。


  We ________ each other the best of luck in the examination.

  A. hoped B. wanted C. expected D. wished(D)

  V. power; force



  1. Man is the only animal that has the power of speech. 人是唯一能说话的动物。

  2. Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。


  1. He had to use force to get the lid off the bottle. 他得使劲才能打开瓶盖。

  2. Both land and sea forces were stationed on that island. 陆军和海军都驻扎在那个岛上。

  VI. in common; in common with

  in common意为:“共同;共用;共有”。如:

  1. They had a lot in common and got on well. 他们有许多共同之处,相处得很好。

  2. Mr and Mrs Smith own the store in common. 史密斯夫妇共有这家商店。

  in common with意为:“与……相同;和……一样”。如:

  1. Their views have much in common with mine. 他们的观点和我的观点有许多共同之处。

  2. In common with many people, he prefers classical music to pop. 和许多人一样,他喜欢古典音乐,而不喜欢流行音乐。

  (文/王抄; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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