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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/21 15:21  英语通


  Two Germany tourists in Spain were having 1. _______

  great language trouble in a cafe(咖啡馆) with 2. _______

  waiters. A glass of milk was that they wanted, 3. ________

  but they were unable to make the waiter understood. 4. _______

  At last one of them took out of his pen and drew 5. _______

  a cow in a piece of paper. The waiter smiled, 6. _______

  nodded and dashed off. He returned back 7. _______

  with two tickets to the bullfight(斗牛比赛). At 8. _______

  the sight of the two tickets they were dumbfound, 9. _______

  knowing what use there was in having the two tickets. 10. _______


  1. Germany改为German。German作名词“德语、德国人”,这里作形容词,意为“德国的”,修饰tourists。

  2. 正确。

  3. that改为what。用what,在表语从句中作宾语。

  4. understood改为understand。the waiter是understand动作的执行者。或将the waiter改为themselves。

  5. 去掉第二个of。“拿出,取出”,用take out;“从……中取出(拿出)”用take out of...。

  6. in改为on。“把……写(画)在一张纸上”用draw(write)sth. on a piece of paper。比较:paint it in the map。

  7. 去掉back。return已表示“返回”、“回来”。

  8. to改为for。for在这里表示目的,two tickets for the bullfight两张去看斗牛比赛的票。

  9. dumbfound改为dumbfounded。dumb-


  10. knowing前加 not。这两个德国人目瞪口呆,不知所措。


  Today I visited the Smiths—my first time visit 1. _______

  to a American family. They lived in a small 2. _______

  town. It was very kind for them to meet me 3. _______

  at the railway station and drove me to their home. 4. _______

  The Smiths did his best to make me feel 5. _______

  at home. They offered me coffee and other 6. _______

  drinks. We have a good time talking and laughing 7. _______

  together. They eager to know everything about 8. _______

  China and asked me lots of question. In fact, 9. _______

  they are planning to visit China in next year. 10. _______


  1. 去掉time。“my first visit ”意为“ 我第一次拜访……”,此句是受汉语习惯的影响而在 first 之后使用了 time。

  2. a 改为 an。American 是以元音音素开头的词,其前要用an。

  3. for 改为 of。在“ It be +adj.+for(of)+名词(或代词)+不定式”的结构中,用for还是of,取决于形容词。若句中的形容词表示人的特征或品质时,常用 of。这类形容词有:kind,clever, careful, foolish, wrong, honest, polite 等。如:It's kind of you to say so. 若句中的形容词表示某种行为的性质时,常用for。这类形容词有:easy,hard,good,important,necessary,difficult等。

  4. drove改为drive。and连接的两个并列部分均为不定式,后应加动词原形。

  5. his改为their。The Smiths指史密斯一家人(或夫妇俩),其物主代词应用复数形式。

  6. 正确。

  7. have改为had。本文是回忆性文章,其主体时态为一般过去时。

  8. 在eager前加were。be eager to do sth.表示“渴望做某事”。

  9. question改为questions。因受lots of修饰,故用复数。



  There have be a lot of changes since World War Two. But 1. _______

  perhaps a biggest change is the telephone. People no longer write 2. _______

  letters for one another. They pick up the telephone. Every house 3. _______

  has at least two, sometimes three, four and five telephones. Every 4. _______

  office has many telephones. There have more telephones than people 5. _______

  in American. My little house has three telephones. In the 6. _______

  morning the first thing that wakes me is my telephone ring. 7. _______

  Long distance telephone calls are very cheap before seven o'clock 8. _______

  in the morning. So that my friend in Boston telephones me to say 9. _______

  “Good morning.” If you never have to write a letter, you simple take up the telephone and say what you want to say. 10. _______


  1. be改为 been。been与have一起构成完成时态。

  2. a改为the。最高级前面需用定冠词。

  3. for改为to。给某人写信用write to sb.。write(letters)to each other意为“相互通信”。

  4. and改为or。本句中几个数词不是递进关系,而是选择关系。

  5. have改为are。本句是there be句型。

  6. American改为America。America是表示国家的名词。

  7. 在me后加up。wake sb. up意为“叫醒某人”。

  8. 正确。

  9. 去掉that。so that用来引导结果或目的状语从句,本句中so是一副词,表因果关系,起承上启下的作用,意为“因此,所以”。

  10. simple改为simply。simple是形容词,simply是副词,修饰动词时要用副词。

  (文/赵鑫; 英语通高一版 04~05学年度第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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