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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/23 09:03  英语辅导报

  [锦囊一] 应掌握何时用形容词形式,何时用副词形式

  1. 形容词用作表语时,位于系动词(初中阶段常用的有:be, feel, get, turn, become, smell, look, sound, seem, keep, grow等)之后;形容词作定语修饰名词时位于其前,修饰复合不定代词时位于其后。

  2. 副词作状语,修饰实义动词、形容词、副词及整个句子。

  3. 通常情况下,大部分的形容词和副词能相互转化。方法是在形容词词尾加ly构成副词,反之,副词去掉词尾的ly得到相应的形容词。注意有些词既可作形容词用又可作副词用,如high既是形容词又是副词,但作副词用时,其意义与highly有别,这样的形、副词词性兼有的词有deep & deeply,hard & hardly, wide & widely等。名词和形容词之间也能相互转化(有些词如lovely, friendly, likely等只作形容词)。


  1. They are singing and dancing ________ on the playground. (happy)[ 04南通]

  2. She was ________ to lose her money when she went shopping last weekend. (luck) [04西宁]

  3. This kind of skirt looks ________ and sells ________. [04天津]

  A. nice; well B. nice; good

  C. well; well D. good; nice

  4. Many people caught cold last month because of the ________ weather. (change) [04上海]

  5. You must keep your eyes ________ when you do eye exercises. [04福州]

  A. close B. open

  C. closed D. opened

  6. —What do you think of the story written by Mark Twain?

  —It is ________. I like it. [04昆明]

  A. boring B. bored

  C. interested D. interesting


  1. 句中的sing和dance是行为动词,应该用副词去修饰,那么happy的副词形式就是变y为i再加ly。答案:happily

  2. was是系动词,其后要跟形容词作表语,luck的形容词形式为lucky,但我们填上后发现句意不通:丢了钱她还能幸运吗?肯定是“不幸”,故应填它的反义词unlucky。

  3. 此题融合了形容词和副词使用的两个基本知识点:系动词后跟形容词作表语,实义动词后要用副词去修饰。look为半系动词,后接形容词,sell为实义动词,后接副词,而well作形容词时专指身体状况“好”,nice是形容词,不难得出答案为A。

  4. 要填的空在冠词和名词之间,所以一定要填形容词,change的形容词形式为changeable。

  5. 据题意分析,空白处应填形容词作宾语eyes的补足语。该题旨在通过特定的语境考查我们对形容词作宾语补足语这一基本语法规则的掌握情况。A项close虽然可作形容词,但意为“亲密的”,与题意不符;B项可用作形容词,但意思是“开着的”“睁着眼的”,不符合“做眼保健操时闭着眼”这一事实;D项open加上ed后成为过去分词型的形容词,故正确选项为C。

  6. 既然喜欢,说明它有趣,作表语,故选D。英语中一些动词有两种形容词化的形式:-ing 和-ed形式,它们的区别就在于: -ing形式一般作表语和定语,修饰物。如:It was an interesting book. The book is interesting.;-ed形式其主语常应该是人,而不是物。如:

  He became very interested in science. 他开始对科学非常感兴趣。

  an interested look (一个关切的眼神)

  有关-ing和-ed形式的形容词的用法,大家还可以参考2004年第8期P10的“-ing or -ed”一文。



  1. It's hard to keep the house ________ with three kids. [04河北]

  A. cleaning B. to clean

  C. cleaned D. clean

  2. The meat smells ________. You'd better throw it away. [04南通]

  A. wonderful B. wonderfully

  C. badly D. bad

  3. Harry Potter is an ________ book for children, but my cousin doesn't seem at all ______in it. [04广州]

  A. interesting; interesting

  B. interested; interested

  C. interesting; interested

  D. interested; interesting

  4. The old lady could hardly believe that she had got the travel pass to Hong Kong so________. (easy)[ 04上海]

  5. Anyone who finds ________ animals, please send them to the SPCA kennels. (home) [04上海]



  1. —Many people like to read the book Business @ the Speed of Thought.

  —That's right. There's ________ in it. [04哈尔滨]

  A. something interesting

  B. interesting something

  C. nothing interesting

  D. interesting nothing

  2. You'd better not read today's newspaper because there is ________ in it. [04沈阳]

  A. something interesting

  B. anything new

  C. important thing D. nothing special

  [考题精讲]1. 由于许多人喜欢读这本书,所以它一定有吸引人的东西,故用something,又因为形容词修饰复合不定代词要后置,故选A。2. 形容词修饰不定代词要后置,根据句意“今天的报纸你最好不要读”,原因是因为“没什么特别的(内容)”,故选D。



  1. —Is your mother badly ill?

  —No, ________ , only a little cold. [04威海]

  A. serious anything B. serious nothing

  C. nothing serious D. anything serious

  2. There's too much noise here. Let's go__________. [04昆明]

  A. quiet everywhere B. somewhere quiet

  C. everywhere quiet D. quiet somewhere

  [锦囊三] 形容词、副词的原级使用要点

  1. as+原级+as指同等程度的比较,意思是“和……一样”。

  2. not as/so ...as指不同程度的比较,意思是“没有……那样”。


  1. The ice in the lake is as ________ as it was before. [04山西]

  A. thin B. thinner

  C. thinnest D. the thinnest

  2. Bob never does his homework ________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. [04河北]

  A. so careful as B. as carefully as

  C. carefully as D. as careful as

  [考题精讲]1. as 加原级加as ,选A。 2. does在此句中是实义动词,应用副词去修饰,使用carefully,选B。



  1. They want the books ________ we do. [04武汉]

  A. as more as B. so much than

  C. as much as

  2. 保护环境和发展经济同样重要。

  Protecting the environment is _________ _________ _________ developing the economy. [04济南]

  3. —Is chemistry more difficult than physics?

  —No, chemistry isn't as ________as physics. [04南通]

  A. easy B. difficult

  C. easier D. more difficult

  [锦囊四] 形容词、副词的比较级使用要点

  1. 含A or B的要用比较级。

  2. than前要用比较级,意思是“比……更……”。

  3. much, a little, a lot, far, even, still修饰比较级,表示程度;而 very, rather, quite只能修饰原级。

  4. 对自身程度的改变进行对比时,用“比较级+and+比较级”结构,但是以more构成的比较级的形容词或副词,必须用“more and more+原级”的形式,表示“越来越……”。

  5. 表示比较的一方程度随着另一方程度变化而改变时,用“the+比较级, the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。


  1. Han Mei did rather________(bad) in the sports meeting. [04贵阳]

  2. If you eat more, you will be fatter and fatter. (同义句)[03桂林]

  The ________ you eat, the ______ you will be.

  3. Cathy did quite ________ in the English competitions, I did even ________.[04沈阳]

  A. better; well B. well; well

  C. well; better D. better; better

  [考题精讲]1. rather修饰原级,又因did为实义动词,故用副词形式badly。2. “比较级+and+比较级”可以和“the+比较级, the+比较级”结构转换,应填more...fatter。3.quite修饰原级,even修饰比较级,故选C。



  1. My sister is good at sports. She can jump________than me. [04长沙]

  A. highest B. very high

  C. too high D. much higher

  2. Mike's car is much more expensive than Susan's. (改为同义句)[04广州]

  Susan's car is ________ ________than ________.

  3. In the exam, the ________ you are, the ________ mistakes you'll make. [04烟台]

  A. carefully, little

  B. more carefully, fewest

  C. more careful, fewer

  D. more careful, less

  [锦囊五] 形容词、副词的最高级使用要点

  1. 最高级+of或in,表示在某一范围内“最……”。of一般跟个体名词的复数,in一般跟集体名词。

  2. 最高级+A,B or C?表示“A,B,C中,哪一个是最……的”。

  3. the+序数词+最高级,表示“最……中的第……”。

  4. one of+最高级+复数名词,意思是“……中的最……的一个”。


  1. Tom has five horses on the farm. The white one is ________ of the five. [04武汉]

  A. younger B. the youngest

  C. most young

  2. With a history of more than 1,400 years, the Zhaozhou Bridge is the ________ stone arch bridge in the world. [04河北]

  A. old B. older

  C. oldest D. elder

  3. —Which is ______, the sun, the moon or the earth? [04北京]

  —Of course the moon is.

  A. small B. smaller

  C. smallest D. the smallest

  4. Hainan is a very large island. It's the second______ island in China. [03广东]

  A. large B. larger

  C. largest D. most large

  5. Oct. 15th was one of ______ days in 2003.

  The Shenzhou-V was sent up successfully. [04济南]

  A. excitingB. more exciting

  C. the most exciting

  D. much exciting

  [考题精讲]1. 后面有限定范围,用最高级,选B。2. 后面有比较范围,用最高级,选C。3. 在三者当中选择,用最高级,选D。4. 根据“the+序数词+最高级”应选C。5. 根据one of+最高级+复数名词,选C。



  1. Today is perhaps the________ day of these days. (hot)[04南通]

  2. Mount Qomolangma is ________ mountain in the world. [04贵阳]

  A. tall B. taller

  C. the tallest D. tallest

  3. Edison is one of the g ________ inventors in the world.[03桂林]


  001高地:1. D 2. D 3. C 4. easily 5. homeless

  002炮台:1. C 2. B

  003壕沟:1. C 2. as important as 3. B

  004制高点:1. D 2. much cheaper / less expensive, Mike’s 3. C

  005防线:1. hottest 2. C 3. greatest

  (文/杨树成 朱祥慧;英语通2004年第12期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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