英国首相布莱尔暗示大选之后辞职 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/09 15:29 国际在线 |
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Tony Blair yesterday gave a fresh hint that he is ready to quit soon after the general election. He admitted his popularity in the country had become an "issue". And he added that as soon as he was no longer contributing to the Labour government he would go. Mr Blair has pledged not to stand again if he wins a historic third term in the election expected in May. That announcement prompted speculation that he will quit early, possibly as soon as autumn 2006. In yesterday's interview with The Observer there was no repeat of pledges to serve a full third term. And he said: "I am an issue. I always will be." He insisted he still had the strength to go out and show what Labour had achieved but also talked about stepping down. He said: "It's important always not to do the job unless you feel you have got something to contribute." It was for others to make that judgment - "there's no point me going on about it myself". Mr Blair was also concerned that the "compensation culture" made teachers, health workers and others fear being sued for any accident. Calling for "real debate about risk" he added: "We are in danger of ending up spending hundreds, sometimes millions, of pounds meeting quite a small risk when that money would be far better used in other ways." |
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英国首相布莱尔暗示大选之后辞职 |
英国首相布莱尔日前向外界暗示,他已准备在英国大选不久之后辞去首相职务。 据英国《镜报》3月8日报道,布莱尔日前表示,他在国内的声望已经成了“问题”;一旦他不能够再对工党政府继续做出贡献,他将主动辞职。他说:“很重要的是,你没有必要始终从事这项工作,除非你觉得你会有所贡献。” 布莱尔说,即使他在5月的大选中获得再次连任的机会,他也可能不会再坚持下去。这似乎意味着,如果布莱尔连任成功,他会提早离任,而很可能会在2006年秋。 布莱尔说:“我成了问题,而我总是如此。”他强调说,尽管如此,他总是尽力让外界看到工党所取得的成绩,同时也会谈论工党每况愈下的事实。 布莱尔的话并非空穴来风。最近,由于布莱尔政府内外“问题”频出,他承受着来自各方的压力。 英国议会下院2月28日勉强通过了具有争议的反恐法案,但不少工党议员临阵倒戈的现象,令该法案的鼓吹者布莱尔措手不及。除议会下院外,反恐法案还需经过议会上院批准。由于工党在议会上院的席位不占多数,而且反对该法案的呼声强烈,因此该法案可能会在表决时碰壁。 议会下院投票结果表明,执政党工党已从占161席的优势锐减至53席。工党内部认为,伊拉克战争使布莱尔在选民中失去信任,从而使工党在议会下院失去占多数席位的优势。 1998年,布莱尔打着“新工党、新国家”的旗帜出任英国首相,并在2001年以工党的绝对优势获得连任。7年来,他在锐意改革、发展经济的同时,不断加强党纪和党内团结,赢得了英国人的广泛支持。但自2003年伊拉克战争以来,由于布莱尔一味奉行紧跟美国的政策,工党内部开始分裂,派系、涣散之风又起,布莱尔数次处于危机边缘。 英国多项民意测验也显示,布莱尔仍然有希望获得第3个任期。但无论是工党还是布莱尔都明白,对外政策的“失误”已经很难弥补。(文/蒋黎黎) |