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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/14 09:29  英语辅导报

  be与副词in, out, up, down, off, on, over, round, back, around, above, abroad, home等连用时,一般都有许多含义,现归纳出来,便于记忆和使用。

  1. be in

  (a) at home: 在家;未外出: Is Bill in? 比尔在家吗?

  (b) arrive: 到达: Is the bus in yet? 汽车到了吗?

  (c) (of crops) harvested; brought in from the fields:(指农作物)收割了的;已收获的:The wheat is safely in. 小麦安全地收割完了。

  (d) in season; obtainable: 正当时令;可获得的:Mangos are in now. 芒果正当时令。Strawberries will be in soon. 草莓将很快上市。

  (e) in fashion: 流行:Jeans are in fashion again. 牛仔裤又流行了。

  (f ) elected; in power; in office: 当选;掌握政权;执政:

  The Republicans are in. 共和党在执政。

  The Democrat candidate is in. 民主党候选人当选了。

  (g) burning: 燃烧着:Is the fire still in? 火仍在燃烧吗?

  (h) (cricket, basketball ) batting:(棒球,板球)击球:Which side is in? 哪一边在击球?

  2. be out

  (a) not at home:不在家:Mrs Brown is out. 布朗夫人不在家。

  (b) not in the office:不在办公室:The boss is out. 老板出去了。

  (c) on strike: 罢工:The dockers are out again. 码头工人又罢工了。

  (d) has been borrowed; is not in the library:被借走了;不在图书馆里:

  The book I wanted was out. 我想要的那本书已被借走了。

  (e) be low:低潮;低水位:The tide is out. 潮退了。

  (f) (a ship, etc.)have sailed (from someplace sometime):(船等)在某一时间已离开某地;开始航行:

  The ship was two days out from Shanghai. 那艘船已离开上海两天了。

  (g) out of office; not in power:不执政了;下台了:

  The Socialist Party was out. 社会党下台了。

  (h) not fashionable: Short skirts are out. 短裙过时了。

  (i) into the open; exposed; discovered: 公开;暴露;被发现:The secret is out. 秘密泄露了。

  (j) not burning: 熄灭:The candle is out. 蜡烛熄灭了。

  (k) has reached the end of its term:到期:The lease is out. 租约到期了。

  (l) The pear blossom is out. 梨花开了。

  (m) be not hidden by cloud不被云遮住:The sun is out. 太阳出来了。

  (n) be published出版:His new book is out. 他的新书出版了。

  (o) I am out in my calculations. 我的计算出错了。

  (p) (cricket) (of a batsman) no longer batting; having been bowled, caught, etc:(板球)(指击球员)出局;退场:

  The captain was out for two. 队长两次出局。



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