教学参考:Different Customs 不同的风俗 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/14 09:32 英语辅导报 |
The Iranians are very sensitive to their babies' eyes. Outsiders must be very careful to say nothing about babies' eyes. If something bad is said about a baby's eyes, its mother would employ someone to extract the baby's “evil eyes”. 伊朗人对婴儿的眼睛特别敏感。外来人对婴儿的眼睛要三缄其口。若出言不慎,就会致使其母亲雇人挖去婴儿的“邪眼”。 The Indian think it inhumane to bath the child in a tub, for the water in it is not flowing water. 印度人认为让孩子在浴盆中洗澡是不人道的,因为盆中的水不流动的水。 Spanish women have to wear earrings when they go out, they think a woman without earrings is just like on naked. 西班牙女人上街一定要戴耳环,他们认为一个妇人不戴耳环犹如赤身裸体。 The British and the Americans think it polite to restrain their grief in public, so that they don't cry loudly during funerals. The Indians, however, think the opposite. They would cry and wail, and beat their breasts and stamp their feet to express their mourning to the dead. 英美人认为在大庭广众中节哀是知礼,所以他们在丧礼中不恸哭。印度人则相反,他们嚎啕大哭、捶胸顿足,以示对死者的哀悼。 (文/董舒婷;英语辅导报初中教师版04~05学年第22期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |