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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/14 09:29  英语辅导报

  3. be up

  (1) to or in an erect or vertical position (esp. as suggesting readiness for activity): 趋向于或处于直立的姿势或位置(尤指含有准备活动的意思):

  Shirley was up all night with her sick child. 雪莉陪伴生病的孩子整夜未眠。We were up late last night.我们昨夜很晚才睡。

  Parliament is up. 国会闭会了。

  His blood is up. 他发脾气了。

  What's up? (发生)什么事(了)?

  The tide's up. 潮水上涨了。

  Time is up. 时间到了。

  4. be down

  from an upright position to a horizontal position: 倒下;自直立的位置到横躺的位置:

  He's down with SARS. 他因感染SARS而生病在床。

  Emma isn't down yet.艾玛还没有穿好衣服下楼来。

  The sweets are all down. 糖果都掉在地上了。

  The river is down. 河水退了。

  The sea is down. 海浪已经平静了。

  One of the tyres is down. 有一只轮胎跑气了。

  The price of mango is down. 芒果的价格降了。

  When you are down, you are not necessarily out. (拳击)当你被击倒,并不意味着输掉了比赛。

  5. be off

  He is off to London.他动身去伦敦了。

  I must be off now. 我得走了。

  (in racing) They're off!(在比赛中)比赛已经开始了!

  Their engagement is off.他们的婚约取消了。

  The electricity is off. 电停了。

  The brakes are off. 刹车松开了。

  That dish is off. 那道菜没有了。

  6. be on

  The light is on. 灯亮着。

  The brakes are on. 刹车正踩着。

  The performance is on. 表演已经开始了。

  The strike of dockers is still on.码头工人的罢工仍在进行中。

  Is the water on yet? 水管接通了吗?

  What's on? 有什么节目/发生了什么事?

  7. be over

  The class is over. 下课。

  The storm is over. 风暴已经过去了。

  It's all over with him. 他一切都完了。

  His suffering will soon be over.他的痛苦很快就会过去了。

  8. be round

  Christmas will soon be round again. 圣诞节又快要到了。

  9. be back

  We shall be back before dark. 我们将在天黑以前回来。

  10. be around

  I'll be around if you should want me. 如果你需要我,我就在附近。

  11. be above

  My bedroom is just above. 我的卧室就在上面。

  12. be abroad

  Three months later she will be abroad. 三个月后,她就会在国外了。

  13. be home

  He's home. (美)他在家。



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