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移动速度世界之最 新型机器人亮相
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/16 11:49  国际在线

  Pal and Chum look a little bit like first-graders on wheels, chatting up a storm and racing around the room.

  For Hitachi Ltd., Japan's biggest electronics conglomerate, they are the next generation of humanoid robots.

  Hitachi unveiled the "Emiew," its first humanoid robot, on Tuesday, saying it was the world's quickest-moving robot yet.

  "We aimed to create a robot that could live and coexist with people," Toshihiko Horiuchi, project leader at Hitachi's Mechanical Engineering Research Laboratory Robotics Technology Project, told a news conference.

  "We want to make the robots useful for people ... If the robots moved slower than people, users would be frustrated," he said, explaining why Hitachi bucked the industry trend and went for wheels instead of feet for its 4.22-feet-tall robot.

  Hitachi built the two Emiews -- Pal and Chum -- for the World Expo, which will take place beginning later this month in Aichi prefecture, about 205 miles west of Tokyo.

  Emiew, which stands for "excellent mobility and interactive existence as workmate,"can run as fast as 3.7 mph, compared with Honda Motor Co.'s celebrated Asimo, whose top speed is a pokey 1.86 mph.

  At their debut on Tuesday, Pal moved forward on Chum's command and avoided obstacles using sensors on his head, around his waist, and near his wheels.

  "I want to be able to walk about in places like Shinjuku and Shibuya in the future without bumping into people and cars," Pal told amused reporters, citing two of Tokyo's most crowded shopping areas.

  Hitachi said the Emiews, which currently have a vocabulary of about 100 words, still need to be trained before they are fit for practical office and factory use in five to six years.

移动速度世界之最 新型机器人亮相


  据路透社3月15日报道,“Emiew”是“能灵敏活动和与人共存的工作机器人”(excellent mobility and interactive existence as workmate)的英文缩写。该款机器人身长130厘米,重约70公斤。上半身为人型,脚的部分为车轮。机器人的最大时速为6公里,即可以以快步行走的速度移动,还有绕开障碍物行进的功能。安装在机器人头部的探知器可以判断人的脸部和声音。即使在1米远的地方,机器人也可以与人进行对话。“Emiew”机器人的两只手臂可以像真人一样活动,可以抓东西。

  日立机械工程研究室机器人技术项目负责人Toshihiko Horiuchi说:“我们研制成功的是一款能与人共同生活的机器人。”在介绍为什么用轮子代替机器人的腿时,Toshihiko Horiuchi解释道:“这是为了提高机器人的速度。我们想让机器人服务于人类,如果它们移动的速度比人慢,那么对于使用者来说就没有意义。”

  报道说,日立此次共研制成功了两个“Emiew”型机器人,一个叫Pal,另一个叫Chum,它们会在即将举行的爱知世博会期间展出。 在15日日立发布会上,Pal告诉记者:“我希望未来可以在新宿和涉谷这样的地方自由行走,并且不会和人或车相撞。”新宿和涉谷是东京最繁华的两个购物中心。



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