《老友记》片头曲:为你我会在那里 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/15 15:13 国际在线 |
[歌手介绍] Even though they became best known for recording "I'll Be There for You," the theme song to the smash NBC sitcom Friends, the Rembrandts were actually rather successful back in 1990 with their self-titled debut album, which produced a Top 20 hit in "Just the Way It Is, Baby." The duo of songwriter Danny Wilde and Phil Solem, both originally in the Los Angeles band Great Buildings, forged a Beatle-tinged brand of pop/rock with ringing guitars and fresh harmonies that found favor with radio programmers across the country, as well as Friends co-producer Kevin Bright. The Rembrandts were invited to record a theme song for the show, which they completed in three days; after the show became a hit, radio demand for a full-length version was overwhelming, and one was added to 1995's LP at the last minute. While the song was an instant radio smash, topping Billboard's airplay chart for eight weeks, it was never released as a retail single, which makes its overall chart peak of number 17 somewhat deceptive. LP, meanwhile, went platinum. The band followed in 1998 with Spin This, this time under the name Danny Wilde and the Rembrandts. The new millennium, and five years after their biggest hit, Wilde and Solem picked things up where they left off for a classic, and rejuvenated rock sound on 2001's Lost Together. The thing that brought the Rembrandts cash by the boatload also did little to help their career: that dang cute and oh-so irrepressible theme song from Friends, "I'll Be There for You", pretty much blotted out all the other music the band had composed, essentially ensuring that songwriters Danny Wilde and Phil Solem wouldn't be taken seriously again by discerning music fans. This was an unfortunate turn of events, because the duo's warm and optimistic Power Pop doesn't always descend to bubblegum depths. Their current recordings are marked by tight arrangements and craftsmanlike construction. “没有人告诉你,生活会是这样”,然后是标志性的啪啪四记鼓掌……每一集的《老友记》,在听过第一段幽默的对话后,我们就可以迎来名为《为你,我会在那里》的主题曲。琅琅上口的旋律,简单的节奏,意味深长的歌词,这首短短四十二秒的主题歌随着《老友记》的走红在排行榜上迅速攀升,连续八周雄踞公告牌电台播放榜头名,此前籍籍无名的演唱乐团“伦勃朗” the Rembrandts也一曲成名。 这首由 Michael Skloff 作曲、Allee Willis 作词的歌曲原本是为迈克尔·斯蒂普和纳塔利-麦钱特度身定做的,但这两名歌手拒绝出演。于是,剧组想到了由两名喜欢穿黑衣、戴墨镜的歌手丹尼-怀尔德 (Danny Wilde)和菲尔-索利姆(Phil Solem)组成的“伦勃朗”乐团。乐界普遍认为,这两个人有类似约翰-列侬和乔治-麦卡特尼般的和谐声音。 Danny Wilde 和 Phil Solem都是在1956年出生,成长在摇滚黄金年代。1976年两人在洛杉矶的一个歌舞酒店里相识,到拍摄《老友记》主题曲时已经整整相识了十八年。两个人直到1990年才成立了“伦勃朗”,这个名字借用自一位十七世纪荷兰的伟大画家,只是在伦勃朗的名字后面加了一个表示复数的-s。 在《为你,我会在那里》 I'll Be There for You 之前,他们最成功的单曲是《宝贝,就是这样子的》Just the Way It Is, Baby,但并非是很热门的歌曲。电台的DJ立即注意到了 I'll Be There For You 这首好听的歌曲,他们把它从电视上录下来,在广播里反复播放,并想办法凑够三分钟的单曲长度。此时,“伦勃朗”的第三张CD《密纹唱片》正在进行最后的压制工作,一首单曲已经被作为主推曲目送到了电台,但敏感地嗅到了金钱气味的唱片公司决定在已经非常拥挤的CD里加入第十五首歌曲《为你,我会在那里》。最后,这张CD成为了白金唱片。 不过,辉煌的高峰昙花一现,“伦勃朗”为主流音乐欣赏却使他们失去了原来的歌迷。过度频繁的播放使得歌迷终于厌倦了,甚至邀请《老友记》六名主演一起出演的MTV也没有能够挽回颓势,“伦勃朗”两名歌手的生涯迅即走上了下坡路。他们甚至一度分手单飞。 到2001年,两人又重新复合,并灌制了一张名为《一起消失》的唱片,但两人的魔力显然就随着《为你,我会在那里》已经消失了。怀尔德对录制《老友记》主题曲并不后悔。他说:“我不能左右世界上其他人的想法……我对这首歌并不感到羞愧,它把我们放入了历史。”