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初中英语课外辅导:The Spring Festival
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/23 14:57  英语辅导报

  Every country has different kinds of holidays. For example, in China, there are May Day, Children’s Day, National Day and so on. But the most important festival, in China is the Spring Festival.

  The Spring Festival usually comes in late January or February. It's a traditional festival of China. Chinese usually have a big family get-together. The family members, no matter where they live, will all go home to celebrate the festival with their family.

  On the eve of the Spring Festival, the family sit at the table, watching TV, and talking about happy things. All the family members wait and for the coming of “Nian”. When it's twelve o'clock, the bell rings, each family set off fireworks to wish a good luck.

  On Chinese New Year, people go from house to house to give the New Year's greetings to each other. Not too long ago, people usually “Kotou” to the older, but now people usually greet with nice words. Maybe this is because the world is changing and people should give up something old.

  In the next few days, people spend time visiting their relatives. Children are the happiest, because they can play with their cousins and get money as presents from their uncles, aunts or their grandparents. That's really interesting, isn't it?

  山东省高唐县实验中学八年级(9)班 刘 震 指导教师:伦爱华

  (文/刘震 伦爱华;英语辅导报 冀教八年级版 04~05学年第26期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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