大学英语课外辅导:The Garden of Love |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/24 14:50 英语辅导报 |
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I went to the Garden of Love, and saw what I never had seen: A chapel was built in the midst, where I used to play on the green. And the gates of this chapel were shut, and “Thou shalt not” writ over the door; So I turn'd to the Garden of Love, that so many, many sweet flowers bore; And I saw it was filled with graves, and tombstones where flowers should be; and priests in black gowns were walking their rounds, and binding with briars my joys and desires. 爱的乐园 我曾访问爱的乐园, 目睹了我前所未见: 殡仪馆矗立其中, 那里是我曾在上面嘻戏的草地。 而殡仪馆的大门紧闭, 门上大书“行人止步”; 我只好转向爱的乐园, 那里曾有无数美丽鲜花开放; 映入眼帘的却是遍地坟茔, 墓碑取代了遍野鲜花: 黑袍牧师们蜿蜒绕行, 用荆棘捆绑着我的欢乐和欲望。 【赏析】爱的乐园里,青草地上建起了大门紧闭的殡仪馆,花朵盛开的地方,堆满了坟茔和墓碑……爱与死亡似乎只是一个恍忽,一个梦,一个意念的区别。这里将爱情和死亡作为两个抽象的生命象征联系起来,令人想起精神分析中关于爱情和死亡的分析。 (文/曾杰;英语辅导报 大学一年级版 04~05学年第24期; 版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。) |