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How to Identify Your Best Learning Styles
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/25 13:59  英语辅导报


  Key Point

  To be more effective, determine (确定) your best learning styles (学习方式).

  People learn differently. Some prefer using pictures. Others like working in groups. How do you learn best?

  Here are the three major factors (因素) making up your learning style.

  ● 3 senses—auditory, visual and kinesthetics

  ● 2 reasoning types—deductive and inductive (演绎与归纳)

  ● 2 learning environments—intrapersonal and interpersonal

  Check these factors as they apply to different subjects to discover your learning preferences.

  The 3 senses


  ◆ I prefer to follow verbal instructions (口授) rather than written ones.

  ◆ I find it comfortable to add spoken numbers mentally.

  Visual—seeing, reading and visualizing

  ◆ I score high on tests that depend on reading comprehension.

  ◆ I can read formulas and understand them.

  ◆ I prefer maps to verbal directions when I am trying to find a place.

  Kinesthetics—moving, touching, writing and doing

  ◆ When I write things down, it clarifies (澄清) my thoughts.

  ◆ I have to manipulate (巧妙地处理) formulas in order to understand them.

  ◆ I like to draw pictures.

  ◆ I am good at using my hands. I enjoy lab classes.

  The 2 reasoning types

  Deductive reasoning

  ◆ I like to look at the big picture first, then get the details.

  ◆ When learning a new game, I like to know all the rules before playing.

  ◆ In an argument, I state my premises (预述) first, then draw conclusions.

  Inductive reasoning

  ◆ I like to see some examples when first learning a new subject, before developing an overview.

  ◆ I prefer to learn the rules of a new game “as we go along”.

  The 2 learning environments

  Intrapersonal—working alone

  ◆ When solving word problems, I have to figure it out for myself.

  ◆ Doing school work with a group often wastes a lot of time.

  Interpersonal—working with others

  ◆ Before making a decision, I usually discuss it with my family or friends.

  ◆ I like to do my homework with others.

  What are you best at?

  Ideally (理论上地), we are good with each learning style. However, what we do best can depend on our mood, the subject matter, our friends and the teacher. Our goal is to monitor(监控) our learning effectiveness (效果) and to adjust our learning styles for maximum advantage.

  (文/孙凤喜; 英语辅导报高一版 04~05学年度第23期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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