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高二英语课外辅导:At the Zoo
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/29 12:47  英语辅导报

  One of Tracy's favorite places is the City Zoo. It is not a big zoo. It only has a few kinds of animals. The animals do not live in cages, but in specially built environments. There is even an ice machine in the polar bear's environment to keep his swimming pool and cave really cold.

  Tracy especially enjoys watching the chimpanzees. They live in an environment with trees, caves, rocks and a small lake. There are about 15 chimps, including babies. The four babies are carried everywhere by their mothers.

  Tracy also likes watching the birds in the aviary(大型鸟舍). An aviary is a small area of forest enclosed by wire netting. The birds can fly around and build their nests in the trees. Many of the birds are very beautiful. Some, like the pelicans(鹈鹕), are funny to look at.


  The zoo needs money because the animals are expensive to feed. Tracy has “adopted” a small monkey. Every month she sends the zoo $25 to pay for its food. Tracy wanted to adopt a tiger but she did not have enough money. Tigers eat a lot of meat, which is expensive. Fortunately nuts and fruit are cheap.


  1. Where do all the zoo animals live?

  A. In cages.

  B. In caves.

  C. In wire netting.

  D. In specially built environments.

  2. Which animal does Tracy like best?

  A. The polar bear.

  B. The tigers.

  C. The birds.

  D. The chimpanzees.

  3. Why didn't Tracy adopt a tiger?

  A. Because it is expensive to feed a tiger.

  B. Because she doesn't like tigers.

  C. Because she wasn't allowed.

  D. Because there weren't any in the zoo. (本报资料)


  1—3 DDA

  (文/本报资料;英语辅导报高二版 04~05学年度第21期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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