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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/08 18:28  国际在线

  The most ferocious biters among mammals aren't lions, tigers, or wolves, but meat-eating marsupials, a new study says.

  Scientists in Australia estimated, for the first time, the bite force of a wide range of mammalian carnivores. The researchers found that, pound for pound, the Tasmanian devil is the most powerful biter alive today.

  Studying fossils, the researchers reached a similar verdict for extinct meat-eaters, noting that marsupial lions scored the highest overall bite force. The 200-plus-pound (100-plus-kilogram) creatures last roamed Australia about 30,000 years ago.

  The study team adds that these "hypercarnivores" were once the dominant predators on the continent, occupying a similar niche filled by saber-toothed cats in North and South America.

  Researchers analyzed the skulls of 39 living and extinct species to calculate the bite force delivered by the canine teeth of mammalian carnivores. Each animal's bite strength was then adjusted for its estimated body mass to give a relative value that could be compared between species.

  The scientists published their findings last week in the London-based science journal, Proceedings of the Royal Society (Series B).

  Stephen Wroe, a paleontologist and mammal expert at the University of Sydney in Australia, led the study. "The predatory capabilities of the [Tasmanian] devil are often underrated," he said.

  "A 6-kilogram [13-pound] devil can kill a 30-kilogram [66-pound] wombat."

  Similarly, the study suggests that pouched predators that roamed Australia until around 30,000 years ago delivered a bite almost as powerful as modern lions nearly three times their size.

  "A marsupial lion averaging around 100 kilograms [220 pounds] could develop a bite force approaching that of the biggest living lion at around 250 kilograms [550 pounds]," Wroe said.

  Placental mammals (mammals whose young develop in the womb) also claim some vice-jawed super-killers. They include African hunting dogs, jaguars, and clouded leopards.

  Among this group, the extinct dire wolf (a giant relative of living wolves) claimed the most powerful bite force relative to its size. The ancient wolf had a relatively broader, shorter head than the modern-day gray wolf. Along with bigger teeth and a studier body, the dire wolf also had a smaller braincase.

  Wroe and his colleagues noted similar adaptations in Australia's extinct marsupial lion.

  Previous studies indicate that expanded brain volume in predatory mammals leaves less room for jaw muscles. So does a smaller brain signal a stronger bite force? "As a generality, this is what our findings suggest," Wroe said. "But we need to do more work before we can be sure."

  The paleontologist says the brain volume of placental carnivores is about two and a half times larger, on average, than that of pouched carnivores. This may help explain why many marsupials register so high on the study's relative bite scale.

  The study lends further weight to Wroe's claim that marsupial lions were far more fearsome than many scientists previously thought.



  据美国《国家地理》杂志日前报道,澳大利亚科学家首次对众多的食肉性哺乳动物的咬力(bite force)进行了评估。他们发现,俗称“塔斯马尼亚恶魔”的食肉性有袋类动物——袋獾才是现存的世界上最强大的猎食者。

  通过研究动物的头骨化石,科学家在已经灭绝的食肉哺乳动物中也得到了相似的结论。他们发现已经灭绝的袋狮(marsupial lions)与袋獾比较起来,其凶猛程度更胜一筹,是所有食肉哺乳动物中咬力最强的。


  研究小组表示,这些“有着不安性格的食肉动物”曾经是澳大利亚大陆上占统治地位的顶级掠食者,在到处充斥着马刀齿猫(saber-toothed cat)的北美州和南美州,它们也占据着类似的小生态环境。


  澳大利亚悉尼大学的古生物学者,同时也是哺乳动物研究专家的斯蒂芬·罗(Stephen Wroe),是这个研究项目的负责人。他说:“袋獾的食肉能力通常被人们轻视或低估。而一只6公斤重的袋獾足可以杀死一只30公斤重的袋熊。”



  在胎盘类哺乳动物(幼体在母亲子宫里发育成长的哺乳动物)中也有一些长有利齿的超级杀手存在,这其中包括非洲猎犬、美洲虎和云豹。这胎盘类哺乳动物中,已经灭绝的恐狼(Dire Wolf,体形比较大,与现代狼具有亲缘关系)相对于它的体形来说,咬力最为强劲有力。这种古狼与现代的灰狼相比,具有相对宽而短的头部,脑壳较小,同时它的牙齿也更大,身体更为健壮结实。




  袋狮的相关知识: 袋狮属于双门齿目;袋狮科,生活在上新世—更新世的澳大利亚。袋狮是澳大利亚有袋类动物已灭绝成员中最引人注目的一个,同时它也是澳洲历史上最大型的肉食性哺乳动物。(记者:王高山)


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