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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/21 18:07  国际在线

《六天七夜》Six Days Seven Nights 电影海报



  Taking a romantic tropical island week off with her boyfriend, an ambitious, decisive New York girl agrees to help her magazine out by covering a story on a neighbouring island. The only plane available is piloted by a laid-back heavy drinker with whom she shares a mutual dislike. But she has no choice and he can't refuse the money. When the plane crash-lands on an uninhabited island with little chance of rescue they both wish they had made other arrangements - at least to start with.


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  Robin: So, what are we, like, shipwrecked?

  Quinn: How do you want it?

  Robin: Excuse me?

  Quinn: Do you want it sugar-coated or right between the eyes?

  Robin: You pick.

  Quinn: We've only got one wheel, so we can't take off. Lightening fried(烧毁,烧坏)the radio and the emergency location transmitter(紧急定位讯号发送器). Air-Sea(海空联合搜救队)will probably try a rescue, but without a beacon to hone in...it's like trying to find a flea on an elephant's ass. The only thing we've got is...this flare gun(信号枪) and a single flare.

  Robin: Is it too late to get it sugar-coated?

  Quinn: That was sugar-coated.

  Robin: Well, then, what's the bad news?

  Quinn: The bad news is we may be here for a long time. You and me. For a long, long...long, long, long, long time.

  Robin: Well, I want my $700 back.

  Quinn: What?

  Robin: You heard me. My $700. I want it back. You said you were gonna take me to

  Tahiti. You didn't. Give it back. Come on.

  Quinn: One, two, three...

  Robin: Wha...

  Quinn: I figure I got you halfway.

  Robin: Halfway? Halfway?

  Quinn: Halfway.

  Robin: Halfway? Whoo! Halfway? Oh, boy, you're good! Whoo! You got me halfway! That's fantastic!

  Quinn: Wha...what are you doing? Hey! Hey! Get away from my plane!

  Robin: Oh, you be quiet!

  Quinn: Goddamn it! Get outta here!

  Robin: I'm gonna do something!

  Quinn: Hey! Leave that stuff alone!

  Robin: You shut up!

  Quinn: Come on out! Get outta there! What do you think you're doing? Leave me stuff a...Hey, hey, come on!

  Robin: What's this? It's a boat.

  Quinn: It's a life raft(筏, 救生艇, 橡皮船) .

  Robin: We can use that to get off the island.

  Quinn: Where are you gonna go? You don't even know where you are. Last thing you wanna do is go bouncing around the ocean...in an eight-foot blowup boat.

  Robin: Don't tell me what I want!

  Quinn: Give that...Give it!Hey, don't pull on that! Leave it alone! Hey, hey!

  Robin: Oh! Oh! Get...Wait! Wait! Get me out! No! Oh! Quinn!Oh!Quinn! Get me out of here! Get me...Get me out of here!

  Quinn: Are you gonna stop acting like a lunatic(疯子)?

  Robin: Fuck you!

  Quinn: Pardon me? What'd you say? That's what I thought you said.

  Robin: Quinn!


  1. sugar-coated 包了糖的,糖衣的。这里借指把一件糟糕的事情婉转地说出。

  right between the eyes,一下击中要害,这里借指直接说出还消息,没有任何隐瞒。

  2. to find a flea on an elephant's ass. 大海捞针,另一种说法是to look for a needle in a haystack。

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