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Ronan Keating金曲在线:尽在不言中
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/26 17:41  国际在线


  With those dazzling poster boy looks, Ronan Keating became one of Europe's most endearing stars as the leader of the Irish boy band Boyzone. The five Irish lads in Boyzone, who made their debut in 1993, built their charismatic style into one of the biggest European pop/rock acts of the '90s. But before he was winning over the world, Keating was a middle-class kid living in Dublin.

  Born Ronan Patrick John Keating on March 3, 1977, he was the last of four children in the Keating household. His father Gerry was a pub owner and his mother Marie was a hairdresser, so financially the Keating family was trying to make ends meet. The working trudge instilled the desire to work in the youngest Keating. While working in a local shoe store, he noticed an ad that was searching for an Irish Take That. The 14-year-old beat out 300 hopefuls with his own rendition of the Cat Stevens song "Father & Son" and was onto becoming a celebrity. Boyzone released four albums, every one debuting at number one in the U.K. They released 16 singles, each one also charting in the top three on the U.K. charts. Most notably, Americans will recognize this five-piece as the dashing young men singing behind U2's Bono in "The Sweetest Thing" video.

  Six years into being part of one of the U.K.'s brightest and biggest-selling pop bands, Keating searched for an alternate creative outlet. He began managing another male pop group called Westlife. He married Irish model Yvonne Connelly in April 1998 and the following year they had a son, Jack. Musically, however, Keating's intentions stayed in tune with his internal spirit.

  He couldn't possibly steer clear of the media spotlight for long and something positive was bound to come of it. He recorded his debut solo effort in early 2000 under the craftsmanship of artists such as Bryan Adams and Barry Gibb. His sensual and childlike persorna was full-fledged.

  He is a working songsmith with the utmost class, and counterparts like Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow are a bit shy of such inborn grace. Ronan was issued overseas in mid-2000. A U.S. version followed in October.

  Ronan Keating从12岁时就开始写歌,曾经加入学校的合唱团,但又被踢了出来,因为合唱团的老师说他不会唱歌。虽然是家里最小的孩子,但他做过各种各样的工作。在鞋店打过工,BOYZONE组合成立时,他还在学校念书,晚上在校园和青少年常去的俱乐部表演, 每天做二到三场的演出,但是在空闲时,还帮父亲修卡车,在母亲的美发沙龙帮忙!一直的梦想是像Take That那么红, 直到成为Boyzone一员,成为主唱,他才真正找到自己心目中的理想事业。

  1998年2月,Boyzone 正在录制 Where We Belong ,他的母亲因乳癌去世。他几乎无法完成声音配唱的部分,Ronan 写This is Where I Belong,唱出自己的成长心情。他后来设立Marie Keating Cancer Awareness Fund,致力乳癌的防治。4月Boyzone 的单曲All That I Need 直冲冠军。30日,Ronan 与大他2岁的模特女友Yvonne在加勒比海的小岛结婚。同年底Ronan 被权威偶像杂志读者选为“最佳衣着男士”、“流行王子”! 而他也从不受一般媒体重视的偶像派成为受到重视的实力派艺人。

  虽然身为Boyzone的主唱,而且一直都是最受欢迎的成员,但Ronan早在几年前就想要发展个人音乐事业。1997年5月Ronan被选为“欧洲歌曲比赛”主持人, 同年接下EMA(欧洲MTV颁奖礼)主持,1998年11月主持“世界小姐”, 后来成为Westlife的经纪人,但是他自己说这些都是附加的,最终目标是成为一位顶尖的词曲创作歌手。而直到1999年初,电影 Notting Hills (《新娘百分百》)的导演捧着一首歌请Ronan 主唱,他才能实现长久以来的想望。这首歌就是我们今天要为大家做详细讲解的When You Say Nothing at All。


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