罗马尼亚总理:决不向恐怖分子屈服 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/26 18:51 国际在线 |
Romanian Prime Minister Calin Tariceanu says his country won't yield to the demands of terrorists in Iraq despite their threats to kill three Romanian journalists kidnapped in late March. Tariceanu made the remarks Sunday in Brussels as the deadline for killing the journalists neared. He added the Romanian government will try its utmost to save their lives. The Iraqi group holding the three journalists issued an ultimatum last Friday, threatening to kill them unless Romania withdraws its troops from Iraq within four days. Relatives of the three journalists and Romanian media workers have held rallies, urging the government to save their lives at all costs. A poll conducted after the ultimatum also shows 70 percent of Romanians think the government should withdraw its 800 troops from Iraq to save the journalists. |
罗马尼亚总理:决不向恐怖分子屈服 |
新华社布加勒斯特4月24日电据罗新社报道,正在布鲁塞尔的罗马尼亚总理波佩斯库-特里恰努24日下午就罗3名记者被绑架一事对罗新社记者说,尽管困难重重,罗马尼亚决不屈服于伊拉克恐怖分子的压力。 波佩斯库-特里恰努说,罗马尼亚正处在困难关头,全国人民的意志正受到严重考验。他说,尽管如此罗当局仍要尽最大努力解救3名记者。他还说,罗方没有收到伊拉克武装组织对罗总统府4月23日电报的答复。 绑架罗马尼亚3名记者的伊拉克武装组织22日向罗政府发出最后通牒,要求罗在4天内从伊拉克撤军,否则他们将杀死人质。罗“普里马”电视台2名记者和《自由罗马尼亚报》1名记者是3月28日在巴格达被绑架的。 从22日晚起到24日,罗新闻工作者和被绑架记者的亲属到总统府和布加勒斯特市中心举行集会,呼吁当局不惜一切代价解救被绑架的3名罗记者。24日参加集会的人数达500余人,其中一些人还到伊拉克驻罗马尼亚大使馆,要求伊拉克当局为解救3名记者而作出努力。 |
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