日本列车铁路安全神话面临破灭 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/26 18:56 国际在线 |
国际在线消息:日本当地时间25日上午,西日本铁道公司的一列载有580多名乘客的通勤火车在行驶至兵库县尼崎市附近时突然出轨,并撞上路边的一座建筑物,造成至少54人死亡,417人受伤。这起事故是近42年来日本最严重的一起铁路交通事故。 事故发生在日本当地时间25日上午9时18分(北京时间8时18分),由于正值星期一早晨交通高峰时间,这趟列车承载了580多名乘客。事故地点位于西日本铁道公司福知山线路上的一处铁路交叉道口附近,两端最近的两个大站分别是尼崎和冢口,事故发生地靠近尼崎一端。 发生事故的列车共7节车厢,当列车驶至兵库县尼崎市福知山线的尼崎-冢口段(距离尼崎站西北约1公里处)时,在距离前方由直道变弯道的拐弯处只有100米的地方,列车突然失控,前4节车厢出轨,其中包括一节女性专用车厢在内的前3节车厢情况最为严重。 出轨的前两节车厢还发生侧翻,并被巨大的冲力挤入铁路边距铁轨仅6米的一栋公寓楼,致使楼体一、二层受损,前两节车厢严重扭曲变形。 截至发稿时,已经有54人被证实死亡。兵库县警方官员表示,至少有417人被送往医院治疗,但不知道伤者中是否包括公寓楼中的居民。 事故发生后12个小时,还有至少4人被困在车厢中,救援人员向他们提供了饮用水,但是目前还不清楚被困者状况如何。 该列车的运营商西日本铁路公司称,事故原因仍在调查之中。该公司总裁在记者招待会上称,“我们还不清楚事故发生的原因。目前的重中之重是要抢救乘客。” 公司官员称,这列火车的司机是个23岁的小伙子,有11个月的工作经验。这名司机去年6月曾经在一个车站开过了停车点。 日本共同社当天报道说,发生事故前,这列火车停经伊丹车站时曾停过了站台,司机只好又将列车倒退了一段距离。这么一耽搁,致使这趟火车在到达冢口时晚点1分钟。这一事实有可能成为司机超速赶时间的解释。 这起事故是近42年来日本死亡人数最多的铁路交通事故。1963年,日本横滨发生多列火车首尾相撞事件,导致至少160人死亡。 |
日本列车铁路安全神话面临破灭 |
The death toll in a train derailment on Monday morning has reached 54 and more than 400 were injured. There are still some passengers trapped in the first carriage that rammed into a nearby apartment building. Four of them have been confirmed alive, according to Japanese media reports. The accident occurred at around 9:20 a.m. (0020 GMT) near a railway crossing in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture. There were several assumptions on what was behind the tragedy. The initial reports said thetrain hit a car and derailed. Other versions included speeding and running over a stone on the track. The seven-carriage train with about 580 passengers aboard tumbled out of the track at a curve. It was one and half minutes behind schedule when setting out from the previous station becauseit overran the platform and had to back up. The 23-year-old train driver, 11 months on the job, overshot a station stop by 100 meters last June, the reports quoted West Japan Railway Co.-- the operator -- as saying. He did not respond to two calls from the control center after leaving the station. Rescuers have yet to locate the whereabouts of the train driver. The company also said there is a high possibility that a stone might have been placed on the track as the sign of crushed stone had been found. Five of the cars derailed with the first two cars badly mangleddue to the smack on the building. The firefighters were providing water to the four survivors in the first car, but one of them showed no reaction, the reports said. The death toll made itself the most serious in Japan since May 14, 1991, when 42 were killed and 527 injured in a collision of two trains in west Japan. The railway company has offered apology, but its president refused to resign. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on Monday night ordered to make all efforts to rescue the trapped survivors and take preciousagainst recurrence of similar accidents. |
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