中国国民党主席连战抵达大陆访问 | 2005/04/27 13:46 国际在线 |
A delegation of Kuomintang (KMT),or the Chinese nationalist party, headed by party Chairman Lien Chan started a historic visit to the mainland on Tuesday. It is the first time that Lien has personally set foot on the mainland soil since he left in 1945, and also the first-ever visit by a KMT chairman to the mainland in 56 years, ushering in a new stage for the relations between the KMT and the Communist Party of China (CPC). The historical relations between the KMT and CPC, together with Lien's personal background, have made Lien's historic mainland trip a focus of attention not only for people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits, but also for the entire international community. However, the real significance of Lien's mainland visit lies in the fact that it has reflected the will of the majority of the Taiwan people. The overwhelming majority of the Taiwan people want to see any political adventures in the name of "Taiwan independence" be checked, cross-Straits relations improved and further developed, and common prosperity achieved across the Taiwan Straits. The people on the mainland, all Chinese living overseas and the international community share the same aspirations. |
中国国民党主席连战抵达大陆访问 |
国际在线消息:中国国民党主席连战率该党访问团26日从台湾经香港抵达中国大陆南京市,开始为期8天的访问。 连战是应中共中央和中共中央总书记胡锦涛的邀请来大陆访问的。50多年前,中国国民党在内战中失败后退踞台湾,从而形成了台湾与中国大陆对峙的状态。此次连战的访问使他成为50多年来第一位到大陆访问的中国国民党主席。目前,国民党是台湾最大的“在野党”,并与友党结成联盟在“立法院”占据着多数席位。 中共江苏省委书记李源潮当晚会见并宴请了连战一行。李源潮说,连战的此次访问对于促进两岸关系的良性发展有着十分重要的意义。连战表示,他上一次到南京是在60年前,此行是迈出了历史性的第一步;推动和促进两岸关系的发展,一定会给两岸人民带来安定、繁荣和希望。 在南京期间,连战一行将拜谒中国民主革命先行者、中国国民党创始人孙中山先生的陵寝,随后将赴北京等地参观访问。(记者:孙叶 姚东明 郭胜昔) |
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