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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/30 11:48  国际在线


  Believe 相信

  No matter how hard I try 不管我怎样努力,

  You 1)keep pushing me aside 你总是想把我推开。

  And I can't 2)break through 我无法打开你的心门,

  There's no 3)talking to you 无法跟你沟通。

  It's so sad that you're leaving 你要走了,我很伤心,

  4)It takes time to believe it 接受这个事实需要时间。

  But after all is said and done 但话已出口,既成事实,

  You're gonna be the lonely one 你将会是孤独的那一个。

  5)Do you believe in life after love 爱情不再你是否还有活下去的勇气?

  I can feel something inside me say 心中有个声音对我说,

  5)I really don't think you're strong enough 我觉得你还不够坚强。

  Do you believe in life after love 爱情不再你是否还有活下去的勇气?

  I can feel something inside me say 心中有个声音对我说,

  I really don't think you're strong enough 我觉得你还不够坚强。

  What 6)am I supposed to do 我该怎么办?

  7)Sit around and wait for you 坐在这里等你?

  Well I can't do that 我不能那么做,

  And there's no 8)turning back 一切都已无法挽回。

  I need time to 9)move on 我需要时间重新上路,  

  I need a love to feel strong 我需要爱情的支撑。

  'Cause I've got time to 10)think it through 因为我终于明白,

  And maybe I'm 11)too good for you 也许你根本不配得到我的感情。

  Do you believe in life after love 爱情不再你是否还有活下去的勇气?

  I can feel something inside me say 心中有个声音对我说,

  I really don't think you're strong enough 我觉得你还不够坚强。

  Do you believe in life after love 爱情不再你是否还有活下去的勇气?

  I can feel something inside me say 心中有个声音对我说,

  I really don't think you're strong enough 我觉得你还不够坚强。

  Well I know that I'll 12)get through this 我知道我会好起来,

  'Cause I know that I am strong 因为我是坚强的。

  I don't need you anymore 我不再需要你,

  I don't need you anymore 我不再需要你,

  I don't need you anymore 我不再需要你,

  No I don't need you anymore 不,我不再需要你。

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