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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/02 14:10  国际在线
Spider-man II --- 蜘蛛侠 2 片段欣赏
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  Peter Parker's having a rough time. His double life as the superhero Spider-Man is having a devastating impact on his civilian life. Things are so bad he declares that he's quitting, and never putting on the suit again. However, his sense of duty forces him to become a hero again when the brilliant scientist Dr. Otto Octavius is deformed in an accident and becomes Dr. Octopus. With four metal tentacles sticking out of his back, he'll prove to be a more than worthy opponent for Spider-Man.


  Peter: Now what?

  Peter: Doctor Octavius. We have to shut it down. Please tell me how.

  Octavius: Peter Parker! Brilliant but lazy!

  Peter: Look at what's happening. We have to destroy it.

  Octavius: I can't destroy it. I won't.

  Peter: You once spoke to me about intelligence. That was a gift to use for the good of mankind.

  Octavius: A privilege.

  Peter: These things have turned you into something you're not. Don't listen to them.

  Octavius: It was my dream.

  Peter: Sometimes to do what's right we have to be steady and give up the things you want the most, even our dreams.

  Octavius: You're right. He's right. Listen, listen to me now.

  Peter: Now, tell me how to stop it.

  Octavius: It can't be stopped. It's self-sustaining now.

  Peter: Think!

  Octavius: Unless...the river! Drown it! I'll do it.

  Peter: Hi!

  MJ: Hi.

  Peter: This is really heavy.

  Peter: MJ, in case we die...

  MJ: You do love me.

  Peter: I do.

  MJ: Even when you said you didn't.

  Octavius: I will not die as a monster.

  MJ: I think I always know all this time who you really were.

  Peter: And you know why we can't be together. Spiderman will always have enemies. I can't let you take that risk. I will always be spiderman.


  1. turn someone/something into... 把某人某物变成...

  someone/something turn into...某人某物变成...

  例如:Lisa has turned into a beautiful woman.


  2. in case (of...) 万一...,以防...

  例如:In case it rains/In case of the rain, you'd better bring an umbrella with you.


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