美国富翁们的10大理想居住地(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/10 14:36 国际在线 |
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富人们拥有的有利条件真是随处可见,他们购物的时候永远不用担心物品价格过高,他们还可以随心所欲地居住在自己喜欢的地方。然而,过多的选择也可能带来困扰,当你可以拥有一切的时候你将会如何选择呢?当你可以住在任何地方,你会选择山脉还是热带棕榈树林?别墅还是阁楼? 拥有一大笔财富确实可以帮助人们自由选择居住地。据美国房地产经纪人协会统计,2003年,美国公民中的60.7%拥有自己的第二套住房,鉴于低利率对于房地产的刺激,这个数字无疑还在继续增长。而美国富人往往拥有3套以上的住宅,以下就让我们来看看美国富人的聚集地。 ![]() Aspen, Colo. 阿斯潘 第1名 名称:阿斯潘 位置:科罗拉多州,阿斯潘 入选原因:任何方面 对于这个高海拔的旅游胜地在本榜单上名列前茅,人们并不感到十分吃惊。阿斯潘也许只有一座路易斯·威登专卖店,并且整形外科医生的数量也并不多,但是在这座人口仅为6000人的小城里,人们却可以享受到特殊的生活。据统计,在这里每150户居民就拥有一位私人厨师。而且考虑到中等的房价水平,阿斯潘理所应当荣膺排行榜的首位。 Aspen, Colo. We're not surprised this high-altitude resort town came out at the top of our list. Aspen does have just one Louis Vuitton store and less than a handful of plastic surgeons, but consider the fact that it has a population of just 6,000 and you start to see what a small and select group lives (or, more likely, has one of many vacation homes) here. According to our estimates, there is one private chef in town for every 150 residents, and Aspen was in the top ten when it came to median home price. 第2名 名称:棕榈滩 位置:佛罗里达,棕榈滩 入选原因:服务、奢侈品、文化 在19世纪20年代的时候,住在这里的都是那些拥有特权的人们;如今在这座小岛上,聚集着大量的美国富翁,他们随意举行长达数星期的慈善舞会和无休无止的聚会。据统计,棕榈滩每500个居民就拥有一个职业管家,当然这还仅仅是保守估计。另外这里的人均乐队拥有量比本次排行榜上的其它任何地区都要高。 Palm Beach, Fla. In the 1920s, everyone who was anyone wintered in this playground for the privileged. Today, that still holds true. America's wealthy converge on this slim barrier island for the season, a several-week-long stretch of glittering charity balls and endless parties. Palm Beach has one professional butler for about every 500 residents, which might almost seem low, and more orchestras per person than any place else on the list, which, given the indulgent lifestyle, might seem surprisingly high. And don't forget the houses: it's Mediterranean mansion central. 第3名 名称:圣·弗朗西斯科 位置;加利福尼亚州,圣·弗朗西斯科 入选原因:美景、奢侈品、餐厅、奢华住宅、慈善事业、文化 相信在俄国山、太平洋高地和要塞高地等地区拥有豪宅的富人绝对会举双手赞成圣·弗朗西斯科的入选。这里的气候也许稍显潮湿和多变,但是这座西海岸的城市拥有比看上去更好的饮食、购物、文化和政治氛围。当然随着居住成本的提高,住户不得不在日常生活中花费更多的资金,因此圣·弗朗西斯科时髦购物者天堂的形象已经不复存在。 San Francisco, Calif. Those who occupy the lofty elevations of Russian Hill, Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights would surely agree that San Francisco should be high on the desirability list. The weather may be damp and fickle, but this West Coast city has far more than its fair share of good food, good shopping, culture and high society. Anyway, the days of this being a hipster heaven are long gone as today you need plenty of bucks to live here. 第4名 名称:圣塔巴巴拉 位置:加利福尼亚州,圣塔巴巴拉 入选原因:食物、服务、慈善事业、文化 平均房价高达96万美元,毫无疑问圣塔巴巴拉可以排在本次榜单的第4名。与此同时圣塔巴巴拉还跻身《福布斯》评选出的10大餐厅城市之列。也许这里没有路易斯·威登那样的奢侈品商店,但是个人厨师以及私人管家的高人均拥有率足以弥补这方面的不足,而且居住在圣塔巴巴拉或许还会给你带来与明星做邻居的惊喜。 Santa Barbara, Calif. With a median home price of $960,000, it's no wonder Santa Barbara ranked 4th on our list. The posh coastal city also ranked in the top ten in the fine dining category. Even though there is no local Louis Vuitton store, it does boast a high percentage of personal chefs, butlers and, of course, celebrities neighbors like Oprah Winfrey. Oh yes, it's also really beautiful. 第5名 名称:纽约 位置:纽约市 入选原因:餐厅、服务、慈善事业、文化 几乎每晚都有数不清的大事件发生,对于那些富人和名人来说,纽约拥有完全不同于其它地区的特殊意义。也许这里的城市景色不如人们希望的那样美丽,但是穿插在城市之间的艳丽模特足以弥补这一切。 New York, N.Y. With countless events happening every night of the week, let alone every second of the day, New York is a stomping ground like no other for the very rich and famous. Be seen not at the opera, but the operas, not to mention the ballets, plays and symphonies. Didn't score as high as we expected for beauty, but that's fine--all the models roaming around town make up for it. 第6名 名称:拉斯维加斯 位置:内华达州,拉斯维加斯 入选原因:奢侈品、美景、餐厅 只要不在乎拥挤的人群,拉斯维加斯无疑可以称得上富豪们的又一大居住地选择。这里有大量的豪华商店、无数的奢华宾馆酒店,当然也有数目众多的整形医生帮助人们圆了变美之梦。然而这里的房价仅仅为26.64万美元,比榜单上另一处繁华之地圣·佛朗西斯科足足低了60%。 Las Vegas, Nev. As long as you don't mind the crowds, Las Vegas appears to be a great place to be rich. There's plenty of high-end shopping, lots of good restaurants and a fair number of plastic surgeons to keep everyone looking good. The median home price is $266,400, about 60% less than another top-scorer, San Francisco. 第7名 名称:圣·琼斯 位置:加利福尼亚州,圣·琼斯 入选原因:奢侈品、慈善事业、文化 如果你居住在阿瑟顿镇或者帕洛阿图市,或许你就会明白为何圣·琼斯能够跻身排行榜的前10名。奢侈商品、慈善事业、文化活动方面的高排名帮助这座加州的城市吸引了大量富翁的注意,十分周到的服务也使得这些住户感到非常满意。 San Jose, Calif. If you live in Atherton or Palo Alto, you know why San Jose made it onto our list. Ranking high in luxury goods, charity and culture measures, this California city attracts the wealthy and has the services to keep them happy. 第8名 名称:迈阿密 位置:佛罗里达州,迈阿密 入选原因:美景、奢侈品、服务、慈善事业、餐厅 尤其对于那些喜好温暖天气的人来说,迈阿密无疑就是天堂的代名词。南部海岸拥有多家豪华餐馆和夜总会,而且相信任何人都不会对珊瑚阁的美丽别墅感到失望。 Miami, Fla. Especially for warm weather lovers, Miami is a little slice of heaven. South Beach offers an array of restaurants and nightclubs, and you are not likely to be disappointed by Coral Gables' beautiful mansions. 第9名 名称:圣地亚哥 位置:加利福尼亚州,圣地亚哥 入选原因:美景、豪华住宅 虽然在文化和慈善事业方面,圣地亚哥的表现并不十分突出,但是如果仅仅考虑豪华住宅,圣地亚哥的排名绝对不逊于榜单中其他竞争对手。而且一年四季平均70华氏度的宜人气候以及拉霍亚海滩迷人的景色也得到了众多富豪的青睐。 San Diego, Calif. Though it didn't score particularly well in the culture or charity departments, San Diego doesn't weigh in too far from the top when it comes to pricey homes. It's tough, after all, not to be swayed by a year round average temperature of 70 degrees--not to mention La Jolla's stunning coastal views. 第10名 名称:丹佛 位置:科罗拉多州,丹佛 入选原因:慈善事业、文化 丹佛战胜洛衫机、西雅图等对手最终脱颖而出也从某种侧面说明,洛基山脉的城区要比乡村或者西部城市更有吸引力。丹佛在文化和慈善事业两项排行中跻身前10名。户外运动爱好者永远不会抱怨居住在丹佛,每年多达300天以上的晴天,美国最大的公园系统,大量高尔夫球场,并且还有为数众多的滑雪场都吸引了不少人的目光。 Denver, Colo. Denver out-scored cities like Los Angeles and Seattle to earn 10th place on our list, so it's clear that Rocky Mountain city offers much more than rustic, Western appeal. Denver came in the top ten for both the culture and charity categories. Outdoor lovers certainly can't complain: Denver apparently has more than 300 sunny days a year, the largest park system in the U.S., and dozens of golf courses--not to mention plenty of skiing nearby. (文/李远) |
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