亿万富翁们入住的天价酒店一览(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/08 10:14 国际在线 |
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![]() 米高梅大酒店 2005年世界上消费水平最高的酒店是那些?让我们来看看《福布斯》网站日前评选出的这些仅供亿万富翁们消费的天价酒店。 名称:米高梅大酒店 地点:拉斯维加斯米高梅广场 收费:5000美元每晚 坐落于米高梅广场上的酒店在建筑风格方面仿照了18世纪意大利佛罗伦萨别墅式样。酒店中的29个客户服务中心都拥有自己的主管,全天24小时随时待命。极尽奢华的酒店套间中,包括一间豪华餐厅,一座私人游泳池和温泉中心以及两间厨房——其中的一间厨房主要针对亚洲风味,另一间为欧洲风味,厨房随时等候用户的饭菜预定。实际上每晚5000美元的消费只能给您一间空荡荡的房间,其中的服务费用要另外收取。在米高梅大酒店中,最小的别墅面积为2900平方英尺(1英尺约合0.3米),最大的高达9000平方英尺(每晚的价格为15000美元)。 The Mansion at The MGM Grand is modeled on an 18th century Florentine villa, and each of the 29 accommodations has its own private butler available around the clock. The Mansion's amenities include a lavish dining room, private pool and spa, as well as two chefs--one specializing in Asian cuisine, the other Continental--on-call to cook for you. (Catering is extra.) In fact, $5,000 per night only buys you a room--no board. The smallest villa is 2,900 square feet, but they range up to 9,000 square feet, for which the cost is $15,000 per night. If you're looking for a mansion-away-from-mansion, the staff members, who pick you up at the airport in a Rolls-Royce and remember your favorite wine, flowers and newspapers from last time, will make it worthwhile--even if Lady Luck doesn't. 名称:北岛塞舌尔酒店 位置:塞舌尔共和国 收费:3217美元两人每天 北岛是塞舌尔共和国的旅游圣地,位于非洲东海岸的群岛附近。酒店日常收费中包括了住户的饮料和用餐费用(特定香槟除外)。据说酒店所有7套别墅完全由塞舌尔当地工匠手工制作,其中面积最小的为4890平方英尺。每套别墅中有两个浴室,另外空调、卫星电视和互联网等设备一应俱全。该酒店提供的食物很大一部分都来自本地的植物和草药园。 North Island is a secluded resort in the Seychelles, a small cluster of islands off the Eastern coast of Africa. The nightly rate gets your room and all meals and drinks (except premium champagne). Each of the eleven villas was handmade by Seychellois and African artisans, and measures at least 4,890 square feet. The villas have two bedrooms, one of which can be converted to a study for couples traveling alone, as well as air-conditioning, satellite TV and internet access. The staff relies heavily on the island's vegetable and herb gardens when preparing daily meals. ![]() 塞舌尔共和国弗雷格特岛(Fregate)酒店 名称:塞舌尔共和国弗雷格特岛(Fregate)酒店 位置:塞舌尔共和国弗雷格特岛(属私人所有) 价格:2482美元两人每天 弗雷格特岛为德国实业家奥特·哈培尔所有,是塞舌尔共和国境内的另一处旅游胜地,也是亿万富翁们旅游的又一处选择。2482美元两人每天的价格不包括15%的附加税和服务收费,不过请不要忘记弗雷格特私人小岛度假村的16所别墅在仅能同时容纳大约40名游客。每一座别墅中包括两间卧室,一间按摩浴室,一间太阳浴浴室以及另外两间普通。其中有的浴室可以直接面对美丽的大自然。入住费用中,包括了三餐和其它软饮料。 当然要从塞舌尔共和国主岛马伊(Mahi)到达弗雷格特岛并不是一件容易的事,旅游旺季的飞机票费用往往高达2000美元。 Another Seychelles resort, another rate worthy of a billionaire. (The island is reportedly owned by German industrialist Otto Happel.) This rate doesn't even include the 15% tax and service charges, but before your roll your eyes, consider that the Frégate Island Private resort only hosts 40 guests at a time in its 16 villas. Each villa has two bedrooms, a Jacuzzi, a private sun terrace and two bathrooms: one inside, one open-air. The rates include breakfast, lunch, dinner and all soft drinks. Just don't forget to factor in the flight from Mahi, the Seychelles' main island, which starts at almost $2,000 during the high season--not to mention the flight to Mahi itself. 名称:法属瓜德罗普岛酒店 位置:法属西印度群岛 价格:2092美元每晚 14座一间卧室的小屋和一座3间卧室的小屋组成了这座庄园城堡式酒店。每间小屋拥都有桉木的大床和游泳池。酒店的小木屋就建立在老式的法属西印度群岛种植园后边,但屋内豪华的电话机、卫星电视和一架传真机设施却尽显现代感,让住户在穿行在屋内外会有一种恍如隔世的感觉。入住费用为2092美元,其中包括早餐费和机场接送交通费用。 The 14 one-bedroom cottages and one three-bedroom cottage at this Relais & Chateaux property each have four-poster mahogany beds and their own swimming pools, so you never have to see your fellow guests in their skivvies--unless you want to. The cottages were modeled after the old French West Indies plantations on the island, but the cottages are modern on the inside with Bang & Olufsen telephones, two satellite televisions and a fax. The rate of $2,092 per cottage per night includes breakfast and transfers to and from the airport. 更多精彩图片 名称:辛吉塔私人动物保护区 位置:南非萨比森 收费:2200美元每两人每晚 辛吉塔私人动物保护区的总面积多达19000公顷,2200美元每晚的收费包括每天两次的车内保护区旅游观光,机场的接送以及所有的饮料、衣物清洗和熨烫服务。游客可以从5座套间中的18座别墅中任意挑选自己的住处,并且任意享用酒窖中多达1.2万瓶的非洲美酒。 The price at this 19,000-hectare, private South African game reserve includes two game drives per day in an open Range Rover, transfers from the airport to the hotel and back, all drinks, laundry and valet services. Guests choose from 18 suites housed in five lodges at this Relais & Chateaux property, and enjoy African wine from the 12,000-bottle wine cellar. 名称:瓦卡亚俱乐部 地点:斐济 收费:1900美元每两人每晚 花园一样美妙的景观让瓦卡亚俱乐部的收费同样惊人。该俱乐部规定最低的居住时间为5天,收费中包含所有的餐饮、高尔夫、网球教练、衣物清洗以及槌球、独木舟和每天两次的潜水活动费用。虽然并没有特殊的规定,但游客都会自觉地对当地的基督教资金慷慨解囊。 A garden-view bure, or Fijian cottage suite, at The Wakaya Club doesn't come cheap, and the minimum stay is five nights. Included in the rate, however, are all meals (including vegetarian options) and beverages (alcoholic or non), a personal golf or tennis coach, as well as a personal trainer, laundry service, unlimited activities like sea kayaking and croquet, and two scuba dives per day. While tipping is not customary, guests are certainly encouraged to contribute to the Wakaya Community Christmas Fund. 名称:龟岛 地点:斐济 价格:1836美元每两人每晚 龟岛包括14间双人套房,每一间都由茅草搭建而成,并且拥有拱形屋顶。作为小岛酒店,每一间小屋都拥有自己的露天餐厅,用来欣赏一望无际的大海。套房内都安装有室内喷射按摩浴池设施。收费中包括了所有的餐饮和活动费用。小岛上还拥有一个3英亩的种植园,因此热带水果和新鲜的海产品是酒店餐桌上的常客。 Turtle Island hosts guests in 14 two-room bures with thatched, vaulted ceilings, each with a private verandah looking out over the ocean. All but one of the bures have indoor jetted spas. All meals, drinks and activities, such as scuba diving and deep sea fishing, are included. The island has a three-acre organic garden, and tropical fruit and fresh seafood are always on the menu. 名称:胡卡顶级渡假庄园 位置:新西兰 价格:1780美元每两人每晚 作为英国皇室成员消遣散心之地,胡卡小屋曾经招待过伊丽莎白女皇二世,爱德华王子以及多位公爵和公爵妇人。该渡假庄园收费中包括了早餐、餐前鸡尾酒和正式晚餐的费用。位于庄园附近的陶波湖、胡卡瀑布和怀卡托河拥有迷人的景色,是游人们旅行休闲的圣地。 A favored escape among the British royal family, Huka Lodge has hosted Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Edward and more dukes and duchesses than you could shake a scepter at. Nightly rates include breakfast, pre-dinner cocktails and a five-course dinner. Lake Taupo, Huka Falls and the Waikato River provide views and hikes galore--if you decide to stay put near your bungalow, you're missing the quintessential country vacation. 名称:布尔吉·阿勒阿拉伯酒店 位置:阿联酋迪拜 价格:1333美元每两人每晚 这座看起来好像是正在行进中的帆船形象的酒店建于1999年,地点位于一座人造半岛上,紧靠阿联酋迪拜海岸。酒店中的每一套房间都由两层组成,下面一层是客人的浴室,上面一层则是主人的卧室和浴室。酒店为用户提供了免费的巴士接送服务,可以直接到迪拜商场和市场。同时,酒店还提供了豪华轿车劳斯莱斯来接送用户,当然这要收取一笔价格不菲的费用。该酒店的早餐费用为41美元,另一方面10%的服务收费以及另外10%的“市政当局收费”也帮助酒店一跃跻身全球顶尖收费酒店的行列。 Designed to look like a billowing sail, the Burj Al Arab opened in 1999 on a man-made island specifically constructed for the property, just off the coast of Dubai. The hotel is all suites, with a basic suite comprised of two floors, a guest bathroom downstairs and a master bedroom and bathroom with a Jacuzzi upstairs. The hotel will shuttle passengers for free via buggy or bus to the Dubai souk (or market)--Rolls-Royces are available too, but they cost extra, as does the $41 breakfast. And watch out for that 10% service charge and 10% "municipality fee" that the hotel adds on top of the nightly rate. 名称:小棕榈岛酒店 位置:佛罗里达 价格:1145美元每两人每晚 该酒店的天价收费中甚至不包括用餐费和活动费(酒店也可以提供全套收费类型)。28间小木屋中装有空调、互联网、气漩按摩浴缸和私人户外淋浴。该酒店禁止使用电话、闹钟和电视。游客可以乘坐酒店的摩托游艇出游。 This nightly rate doesn't include meals or activities (although package offers are available). The 28 air-conditioned bungalow suites each have whirlpool baths and private outdoor bamboo showers. Phones, alarm clocks and televisions are forbidden in the bungalows, but Little Palm Island makes a concession to internet-addicts with a modem link available. The property's motor yacht ferries guests to Little Torch Key and back. (文/李远) |
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