韩国推出帮狗主人翻译狗语的新服务 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/16 16:42 国际在线 |
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South Koreans hoping to communicate with man's best friend could be getting help soon from their cell phones. KTF Corp., a South Korean mobile phone operator, said Thursday it will begin offering a service that will enable dog owners to know whether their pets are feeling happy or sad. The users must first connect to Internet with their cell phones, and then register information of their dogs such as the breed and age. The service will then record the dog's bark. The owner will receive text messages telling them how their pet is feeling, such as "I am happy" or "I am frustrated." The service, which will begin on Friday, will also translate basic messages into dog sounds. The service will cost about one dollar. More than half of 48 million South Koreans use cell phones, and many of them use mobile phones with advanced features such as mobile banking, satellite navigation and high-speed Internet. |
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韩国推出帮狗主人翻译狗语的新服务 |
希望与自己的宠物狗狗进行无障碍交流的韩国狗主人们很快就能享受到一种特殊的服务项目。韩国移动通讯公司(KTF)于5月12日表示,它推出了一款全心的服务项目,该项目可以让狗主人们更好地和自己的狗狗交流,了解它们的情绪变化。 据美联社5月12日报道,要想享受这种特殊的服务,狗主人们必须首先使用手机连接互联网,将狗狗的相关信息(比如年龄、品种等)登记在册,然后狗狗的叫声就会通过录音保留下来。随后,狗主人们就会接收到文本信息,告诉他狗狗现在的状态如何,比如“我很高兴”或者“我不开心”。 报道说,这个服务项目将于5月13日正式开始,服务费用大约为1美元。现在,4800万韩国人当中有超过一半人使用手机,其中很多人的手机都具有手机银行服务系统,卫星导航以及高速网络等先进功能。(文/王高山) |
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