
新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 英文歌曲在线欣赏:《情不自禁》

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/20 17:57  国际在线



Liz Phair深情演绎《情不自禁》


  Why Can't I 情不自禁

  Get a load of me, 1)get a load of you 你注意到我,我注意到你,

  Walkin' down the street, 走在大街上,

  And I hardly know you 我根本不认识你。

  It's just like we were meant to be 一切就像命里注定。

  Holding hands with you, 夜晚,

  And we're 2)out at night 我们手牵着手散步。

  Got a girlfriend, 你已经有了女朋友,

  You say it isn't right 你说这样做不对。

  And I've got someone waiting too 而此时也有人正在等着我。

  Is this just the beginning 一切只是刚刚开始吗?

  3)We're already wet, 我们已经动了真情,

  And we're gonna go swimming 无法自拔。

  Why can't I breathe 为什么每当我想起你,

  Whenever I think about you 我就无法呼吸?

  Why can't I speak 为什么每当我谈起你,

  Whenever I talk about you 却不知从何说起?

  It's 4)inevitable, 无法避免,

  It's a fact that we're gonna 5)get down to it 我们都将泥足深陷。

  So tell me 告诉我,

  Why can't I breathe 为什么每当我想起你

  Whenever I think about you 我就无法呼吸?

  Isn't this 6)the best part of 7)breakin' up 分手最大的好处

  Finding someone else you can't 8)get enough of 就是找到你的真爱。

  Someone who wants to be with you too 而这个人也想跟你一起。

  It's an 9)itch we know we are gonna 10)scratch 这样的感情是那么自然,

  11)Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch 虽然有情人终成眷属需要时间和努力。

  But wouldn't it be beautiful 但是这不是很美吗?

  Here we are, we're at the beginning 一切才刚开始。

  We haven't fucked yet, 我们还没有合为一体,

  But my heads 12)spinning 但是我已经头晕目眩。

  Why can't I breathe 为什么每当我想起你,

  Whenever I think about you 我就无法呼吸?

  Why can't I speak 为什么每当我谈起你,

  Whenever I talk about you 却不知从何说起?

  It's 4)inevitable, 无法避免,

  It's a fact that we're gonna 5)get down to it 我们都将泥足深陷。

  So tell me 告诉我,

  Why can't I breathe 为什么每当我想起你

  Whenever I think about you 我就无法呼吸?

  I'd love for you to make me wonder 你让我疑惑,

  Where it's goin' 我们的结局到底会怎样。

  I'd love for you to pull me under 你的爱笼罩着我,

  Somethin's growin' 这种感觉越来越强烈。

  For this that we can't control 现在我们已经无法控制。

  Baby I am dyin' 亲爱的,感觉就要死去。

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