谷类食品逐渐成为英国人的早餐首选 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/25 21:28 国际在线 |
Health-conscious Britons are swapping traditional fry-ups for a nutritious breakfast of cereal, croissants and toast in ever increasing numbers, a study published today reveals. Five times more people now prefer a carbohydrate-based breakfast to the waist-line bulging combination of bacon and eggs, according to research by the Grain Information Service (GIS). Even at the weekend, the cooked breakfast lost out to its Continental counterpart in the popularity stakes. Look here too...Skip gossip links to more articles GI diet: Good for your heart and waistline Only 23.8 per cent of women and 41 per cent of men treated themselves over the weekend to a fry-up as the majority stuck with cereal and toast. The study found Londoners were the most constrained over Saturday and Sunday, as just 19.5 per cent gave into temptation and tucked into bacon and eggs. The survey, which looked at the population's breakfast eating habits, also found that almost three quarters of people (71.5 per cent) did manage to eat breakfast before work. Attitudes to the importance of what nutritionists have often claimed is the most important meal of the day varied dramatically with age. The study found a quarter (25 per cent) of 18 to 24-year-olds admitted they never ate breakfast, compared to less than 10 per cent of people aged 35. Nearly half (42 per cent) of those who skipped breakfast blamed a lack of time. Over a third (36.7 per cent) of people claimed that eating breakfast gives them more energy. GIS said their research had shown that Britons were moving away from what it described as "faddy diets" like Atkins and going back to basics. Eating breakfast has been shown to have a number of significant benefits. Researchers have found that breakfast boosts your health, controls hunger pangs, and can also boost your brain and energy levels making you alert in the morning. |
谷类食品逐渐成为英国人的早餐首选 |
据英国谷物信息服务机构5月23日公布的一项研究结果显示,健康意识日益觉醒的英国人正在逐步摒弃原先那种以煎炸食品为主的早餐食谱,越来越多的人开始食用谷类食品,如羊角面包和烤面包片等。 据英国《每日邮报》网站5月23日报道,谷物信息服务机构(Grain Information Service,GIS)的研究结果显示,现在喜欢以碳水化合物作为早餐的人数是喜欢熏肉和煎蛋早餐人数的5倍之多。即使在周末,又煎又炸的英式早餐在流行程度上也不敌来自欧洲大陆的“对手”。 调查显示,只有23.8%的女性和41%的男性在周末会做一顿以煎炸食品为主的早餐来犒劳自己,而大多数人则依然选择谷物和烤面包片。研究还发现伦敦人在周末最能克制自我,他们中只有19.5%的人会屈从于自己的欲望,抓起熏肉和煎蛋大块朵颐。 另外,尽管很多营养学家都表示早餐是一日三餐中最重要的一顿,而不同年龄段的人们对于早餐态度却有着显著的差异。在18岁到24岁年龄段的人群里有四分之一(25%)的人承认他们从不吃早餐,而在35岁的人中这一比例不足10%;在那些从不吃早餐的人中有约一半左右的人(42%)将原因归咎于缺乏时间;有超过三分之一(36.7%)的人表示吃早餐可以赋予其身体更多的能量。GIS说他们的研究表明,英国人正在远离诸如阿特金斯减肥法那样所谓的“流行饮食”,而向一日三餐的本质回归。 很多证据表明吃早餐对人的身体大有裨益。研究人员已经发现早餐可以提升人们的健康水平,控制住由于饥饿所带来的痛苦,同时还可以使人的大脑和身体拥有更充沛的能量,在早晨便可以做到思维敏捷、身手灵活。 报道说,此项研究的调查对象为遍布全英各地的1002名年龄不小于18岁的成年人,所询问的内容主要是他们在吃早餐上的种种习惯。(文/张咏) |
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