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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/07 18:31  国际在线


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  Die Hard I


  本片成为1988年全美票房收入最高的电影之一。 片中火爆的动作场面和新颖的场景设计以及打不死的英雄,确实令当时的观众大开眼界,布鲁斯·威利斯也因此片成为好莱坞一线 明星,影片的形式后来被很多影片模仿,使影片本身成为恐怖惊险犯罪电影的经典之作。

  Tough New York cop John McClane finds himself in a tight situation when an office building in Los Angeles is taken over by terrorists. Apart from himself, everyone else in the building - including his wife - is held at gunpoint while their captors spell out their demands. The F.B.I. are called in to survey the situation, but John McClane has other plans for the terrorists...


  John: Oh, God...

  Al: Roy! Roy, you all right?

  John: Just trying to fire down a 1,000-year-old Twinkie(一种饼干名称). What do they put in them?

  Al: Sugar-enriched flour, partially hydrogenated(氢化的)vegetable oil, polysorbate 60(聚山梨醇酯), and yellow dye number 5. Just everything a growing boy needs.

  John: How many kids you got, Al?

  Al: Well, as a matter of a fact, my wife is working on our first. How about you, cowboy? You got any kids back on your ranch?

  John: Yeah. Two. Sure hope I can see them swinging on a jungle gym with Al Jr. someday.

  Al: Well now, that's a date, but you're gonna have to bring the ice cream.

  Hans: Touching, cowboy, touching! Or should I call you Mr. McClane, Mr. John McClane of the New York Police Department?

  Richard: Get on the phone to Harry in New York.

  Woman reporter: Got it!

  Al: You'd better get hold of somebody at Dispatch.

  John: Sister Theresa called me Mr. McClane in the third grade. My friend call me John...and you're neither, shithead!

  Hans: I have someone who wants to talk to you. A very special friend who was with you at the party tonight.

  Ellis: Hey, John boy.

  John: Ellis?

  Ellis: Yeah. Listen, John, they're giving me a few minutes to try to talk some sense into you. I know you think you're doing your job, John, and I can appreciate it, but you're just dragging this thing out. No one gets out of here until these guys talk to the LA police. That ain't happen until you stop messing up the works.

  John: Ellis, what have you told them?

  Ellis: I told them we were old friends and you were my guest at the party.

  John: Ellis, you shouldn't be doin' this.

  Ellis: Tell me about it.

  Ellis: All right, John, listen. I want you to tell them where the detonators(雷管, 炸药) are. They know people are listening. They want the detonators or they're gonna kill me. John, didn't you hear me?

  John: Yeah, I hear you.

  Ellis: John, get with the program a little, huh? The police are here now. It's their problem. So tell these guys where the detonators are so no one else gets hurt! I'm putting my life on line for you, pal!

  John: Ellis, listen to me very carefully!

  Ellis: John...

  John: Shut up, Ellis! Just shut your mouth! Put Hans back on the line!

  John: Hans, this shithead does not know what kind of man you are but I do. Listen...

  Hans: Good. Then you'll give us what we want and save your friend's life. You're not part of this equation.

  Ellis: Hey, what am I? A method actor? Hans! Babe put away the guns, this is radio, not television.

  John: Hans, this asshole is not my friend! I just met him tonight and I don't know him! Jesus Christ, Ellis! These people will kill you! Tell them you don't know me!

  Ellis: John, how can you say that after all these years? John? John? John!?

  Key Words and Expressions:

  1. talk some sense into somebody


  2. drag something out 拖延某事


  3. mess up somehing 把某事搞砸了

  也可以说screw up something.

  4. put one's life on line for somebody 为了某人而拼命;命悬一线。也可以说 put one's life at risk for somebody

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