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英文金曲在线欣赏:Endless Love
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/06 17:16  国际在线


  As a solo artist, Diana Ross is one of the most successful female singers of the rock era. If you factor in her work as the lead singer of the Supremes in the 1960s, she may be the most successful.

  With her friends Mary Wilson, Florence Ballard, and Barbara Martin, Ross formed the Primettes vocal quartet in 1959. In 1960, they were signed to local Motown Records, changing their name tothe Supremes in 1961. Martin then left, and the group continued as a trio. Over the next eight years, the Supremes scored 12 number one pop hits. After the last one, "Someday We'll Be Together" in October 1969, Ross launched a solo career.

  Motown initially paired her with writer/producers Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson, who gave her four Top 40 pop hits, including the number one "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" (July 1970).

  Ross branched out into acting, starring in a film biography of Billie Holiday, Lady Sings the Blues. The soundtrack went to number one, and Ross was nominated for an Academy Award.

  Ross scored a third Top Ten hit in 1980 singing the title theme from the movie It's My Turn. She then scored the biggest hit of her career with another movie theme, duetting with Lionel Richie on "Endless Love" in June 1981. It was her last big hit on Motown.

  黛安娜·罗斯(Diana Ross) 1944年3 月26日出生于美国底特律的一个黑人家庭。Diana Ross从小迷恋音乐。在读高中时,她与好友玛丽·威乐逊、佛罗伦丝·巴拉德组成一个演唱小组“普罗姆斯”。高中毕业后,这个演唱组合更名为“至高无上”演唱组, Diana担任领唱歌手,她显得格外出众:首先是漂亮迷人的容貌、再者是她天生的亮丽高亢的嗓音,尤其是高音部分,蕴含着深深的绝望感。1970年,“至高无上”的最后一首冠军歌曲《将来我们会相聚》宣告了这一组合的正式解散,Diana 开始独闯乐坛。

  从1970年到1971年初,Diana的几张唱片不尽如人意,她的音乐生涯似乎开始滑坡。但是,不久,她在歌影双栖的领域中向人们证明了她的不断进步。1971年,Diana 在电影《布鲁斯歌女》中成功地扮演了比利·霍丽戴,这使她成为了一位单纯靠音乐无法造就的双栖明星。到目前为止,Diana一共拥有18首冠军单曲,成为拥有冠军歌曲最多的女歌手。


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