从“深喉”之谜看美国历史疑云密布 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/06/08 13:45 国际在线 |
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Now that "Deep Throat" has been identified as a 91-year-old California grandfather, aficionados of unsolved mysteries have to look elsewhere. Luckily for them, there are plenty of places to look. Even after Tuesday's revelation that former FBI No. 2 Mark Felt was the Watergate super-source "Deep Throat," there are still unknowns swirling around the scandal that brought down President Richard Nixon in 1974. The main question remaining is what information was contained -- and erased -- in the 18 1/2 minute gap in a White House tape recording. The tape, made by Nixon's secretary, Rose Mary Woods, contained a discussion between the president and his chief of staff, H.R. Haldeman, pertaining to Watergate. Woods shot to notoriety for her inadequate explanations of how she came to erase part of the tape. She never told what the tape held before her death. A more contemporary Washington mystery is the source of the leak that led columnist Robert Novak to identify a CIA operative named Valerie Plame, an expert on weapons of mass destruction. Novak mentioned Plame by name in a July 14, 2003, column critical of Plame's husband, retired diplomat Joseph Wilson, after Wilson reported an Iraqi purchase of uranium "yellowcake" from Niger was highly unlikely. Wilson's report went counter to some in the Bush administration who sought a link between Iraq and weapons of mass destruction. Novak has not said where he got the information, but denied it was a "planned leak," and said he was never told revealing Plame's identity would endanger her or anyone else. A special prosecutor is investigating the case. The mystery that set Washingtonians buzzing in the summer of 2001 was the disappearance of 24-year-old Chandra Levy, a government intern who had a relationship with Rep. Gary Condit, a California Democrat. Levy's skeletal remains were found in a city park in 2002. How they got there remains unknown. Beyond Washington, there are historical mysteries that still resonate. Many observers wonder whether Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone on Nov. 22, 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The mystery surrounding former Teamsters union leader Jimmy Hoffa revolves around what happened to his body after he disappeared from a Michigan parking lot in 1975. The presumption is he was killed by the Mafia , but the whereabouts of his remains are unknown. The final fate of pioneer aviator Amelia Earhart has never been discovered, although theories abound. She was last heard from on July 2, 1937, on the Pacific leg of her attempt to be the first woman to fly around the globe. Extensive rescue attempts turned up nothing. |
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从“深喉”之谜看美国历史疑云密布 |
既然“深喉”已经被证明是一位91岁高龄的加州祖父,那些热衷于神秘未解之谜的狂热者们只得将目光投向别处。幸运的是还有很多地方值得他们关注。 上周二,一个秘密公诸于世——美国联邦调查局前二号人物马克-费尔特就是“水门”事件中的超级泄密人“深喉”!尽管谜底已经揭开,但在导致尼克松总统1974年下台的“水门”事件中,仍存在一些不为人知的谜团。 至今遗留下来的主要疑团是“神秘的录音带”。尼克松总统的秘书罗丝-玛丽-伍兹曾经录制了一盘磁带,里面记录了尼克松总统和他的参谋长海德曼关于“水门”事件的一段讨论,而其中有18.5秒时间的录音被抹去了,缺失的内容成为人们关注的焦点。 伍兹因为没有充分解释她抹掉那段带子的原因而落得声名狼藉。直到临死前,她也没有说出那段缺失的磁带到底隐匿了什么。 还有一个更现代的“华盛顿之谜”。有人向《华盛顿邮报》专栏作家罗伯特-诺瓦克透露了一名中情局特工的真实身份,这位名叫瓦莱丽-普拉姆的特工是研制大规模杀伤性武器的专家,谁是此次事件的主谋成为另一个似乎永远都解不开的谜底。 2003年7月14日,诺瓦克在关于约瑟夫-威尔逊的一期专栏评论文章里提到了普拉姆的名字。普拉姆的丈夫约瑟夫-威尔逊是一位退休的外交官,他之前曾提交报告,认为伊拉克向尼日尔购买“黄饼”(核反应燃料重铀酸铵或重铀酸钠)的传闻几乎不可能属实。威尔逊的报告与布什政府中某些人的目的恰恰相反,后者力图找到伊拉克和大规模杀伤性武器二者之间的联系。 诺瓦克并没有透露他的消息来源,但他拒绝承认这是一起“有预谋的泄密事件”,并称他从未被告知泄露普拉姆的身份会危及她或其他人的安全。一位独立检察官正在调查这件案子。 2001年夏天,24岁的联邦政府女实习生钱德拉-利维的神秘失踪在华盛顿掀起风浪。利维与加州民主党众议员加里-康迪特有不正当关系。2002年,利维的骸骨在一个城市公园里被发现。但这一切究竟怎么发生的仍然是个谜。 在华盛顿之外,同样有一些至今未解的历史谜团。比如很多观察者都想知道,1963年11月22日约翰-肯尼迪总统在达拉斯遇刺时,暗杀者李-哈维-奥斯瓦德是不是单独行动的。 关于“佣工国际工人兄弟会”前领导人吉米-霍法的谜团则集中在他的遗体去向上。1975年他在密歇根州停车场神秘失踪,人们推测他是被黑手党暗杀的,但他的遗体的下落始终没有答案。 尽管众说纷纭,但是从来没人知道先驱飞行员阿米莉娅-埃尔哈特的最终命运究竟如何。1937年7月2日人们最后听到她的声音时,她正在太平洋上飞行,试图成为第一个环球飞行的女人。大规模的搜救工作全都无果而终。 |
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