窃贼疯狂盗动物 法动物园失窃严重 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/07/26 15:37 国际在线 |
From snakes to flamingoes to kangaroos to vultures, nothing is safe any more. A surge of rustling in French zoos and safari parks has left owners and keepers asking how long it will be before someone walks off with an elephant. "Animal traffickers are taking everything these days," said Michel Louis, director of theAmnéville zoo in Moselle in northern Lorraine. "I have the only zoo in France protected by watchmen all night, but that didn't stop them. They stole 12 Chilean pink flamingoes. Only the lions are safe. Elephants are only a matter of time." Similar incidents have been reported at zoos the length and breadth of France in recent weeks. Penguins were stolen from a zoo at Les Sables d'Olonne in Vendée on the Atlantic coast; parrots and monkeys vanished at Aix-en-Provence in the south and tamarin monkeys, falcons, a vulture and kangaroos disappeared from Saint-Aignan-sur-Cher in the centre of the country. Police and zoo-keepers blame unscrupulous animal traffickers, operating on behalf of private collectors. Tighter controls on the export of wild animals from their countries of origin have made zoos a tempting target. Some rare breeds of parrots can be sold on the black market for ?20,000 (?14,000) each. Pink flamingoes fetch up to ?3,000. Some of the rarer kinds of snake go for up to ?10,000 each. Even a tiny Madagascar turtle - which you could slip into your pocket - can command prices of up to ?10,000. According to a rumour circulating in the French zoo community, the plague of rustling this year may be linked to an attempt by an Arab prince to create a private zoo in the grounds of his villa in northern Italy. French police say that there is not one buyer but scores of them, providing custom for rustling gangs based in Germany and Belgium. Most zoos are designed to keep animals in rather than to keep human intruders out. In the case of the Lorraine zoo, the thieves broke through the outer perimeter at night and virtually demolished the flamingo house to get at the birds. "What makes me sick is that flamingoes are very nervous birds which cannot stand any stress," said M Louis, the zoo director. "Some of them are sure to have died of heart attacks while being carried away." To improve security, French zoos are hiring armed guards and installing powerful lights and alarms. The police are also encouraging zoos to implant tiny electronic homing devices under the skin of all valuable animals in their collections. |
窃贼疯狂盗动物 法动物园失窃严重 |
眼下,一股偷盗动物风正在法国各地动物园蔓延。从蛇到火烈鸟,从袋鼠直至秃鹫,没有什么动物是不可能失窃的。动物园的所有者现在担心的是,再过多久会出现盗贼“顺手”牵走大象? 据英国《独立报》7月24日报道,类似事件最近几周在法国各地动物园均有发生。位于大西洋沿岸旺代省萨博尔道劳纳地区的动物园里有几只企鹅被盗;在南方普罗旺斯埃克斯地区的动物园里一些鹦鹉和猴子突然“销声匿迹”;位于该国中部歇尔河畔圣艾尼昂地区的动物园则有几只绢毛猴,几只猎鹰,一只秃鹫和几只袋鼠不见了踪影。 “现在这些动物窃贼简直是为所欲为”,位于该国北洛林地区摩泽尔省的阿姆内维尔动物园主管米歇尔·路易说,“我们这里是法国境内唯一一个通宵都有保安守护的动物园,但即使这样也没能挡住那些贼。他们已经偷走了12只智利产粉红色火烈鸟。现在只有狮子是安全的。大象被偷走只是一个时间问题。让我感到难受的是,火烈鸟是一种神经高度敏感的鸟类,它们不能承受任何压力,它们中的一部分肯定会因为在运输过程中突发心脏病而死去。” 警方和动物园管理者将这种现象产生的原因归咎于那些肆无忌惮的动物贩运者,而私人动物收藏者则是这些人的主顾。一些珍稀品种的鹦鹉在黑市上的身价可以达到20000欧元(14000英镑)一只。粉红色火烈鸟每只可以卖到3000欧元。一些较为罕见的蛇类的售价可高达10000欧元一条。即使是一只可以放到衣服口袋里的马达加斯加小海龟竟也可以卖得10000欧元。由于那些野生动物原产国目前在动物出口方面采取了更为严厉的管制措施,此举也使得法国的动物园成为窃贼眼中颇具诱惑力的目标。 另外,很多动物园在设计上更多考虑的是将动物禁锢在牢笼里,而不是将来自人类的入侵者拒之门外,也是窃贼频频得手的诱因之一。从洛林动物园的情况来看,盗贼们在夜里从园外破墙而入,然后将鸟舍彻底捣毁,最后携鸟而去。为改善园内安全状况,法国各地的动物园纷纷开始雇佣武装警卫并安装强力照明设备和警报系统。警方也鼓励动物园在所有珍贵动物的皮肤下植入微型电子跟踪装置以对窃贼造成威慑。(文/张咏) |
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