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在线音乐吧:Children of the Night
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/13 13:58  国际在线




Richard Marx

  Children of the Night 暗夜之子

  All that I know in my life, 我在大街上流浪的日子里,

  I have learned on the street. 学会了生活中的一切。

  1)No magic carpet, no genie, 没有飞毯,没有灵魔,

  No shoes on my feet 也没有鞋子穿。

  Will I wake up from this nightmare? 我会从这个恶梦中醒来吗?

  A fear that 2)chills me to the bone 我感到一阵彻骨的寒冷。

  Though I may be one of many 虽然很多人跟我有同样的遭遇,

  I feel so all alone 但我却感到无尽的孤独。

  We are the children of the night 我们是暗夜的孩子,

  We won't 3)go down without a fight 不战斗到底我们决不倒下。

  Our voice is strong, our future's bright 我们声势浩大,我们前途光明。

  And 4)thanks to what we 5)learned from you 感谢从你身上学到的一切,

  We've grown into the children of the night 我们已成长为暗夜的孩子。

  Left by my father with only this scar on my face 父亲留给我的只是脸上的一道伤疤,

  6)Told by my mother that, 我的母亲对我说,

  "No, you were just a mistake" 把你生下来是一个错误。

  I have tasted my own 7)hunger 我倍尝人间冷暖,

  Sold my body to survive 为了生存出卖自己的身体,

  Some have paid to scratch the surface 那些人付钱只触及了我的身体

  But they can't touch what's inside 却无法触及我的灵魂。

  We are the children of the night 我们是暗夜的孩子,

  We won't go down without a fight 不战斗到底我们决不倒下。

  Our voice is strong, our future's bright 我们声势浩大,我们前途光明。

  And thanks to what we learned from you 感谢从你身上学到的一切,

  We've grown into the children of the night 我们已成长为暗夜的孩子。

  How I 8)long for something better 我多么渴望生活可以更加美好,

  Than this life I know too well 而不是像我现在这样生活。

  Lord, I know I'm 9)bound for heaven 上帝啊,我知道我死后会上天堂,

  Cause I've 10)done my time in hell 因为我已在人间地狱里受尽折磨。

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