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少儿英语歌曲:Exactly Ed
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/18 16:10  朗文backpack少儿英语


  Exactly Ed

  HOST: Hello! Here we are again! A brand new year on Backpack! My name’s Mike! I’m really happy to see you! And you’re right on time! Are you ready to start? Here’s a song about a boy named Ed. He’s always on time. He’s exactly Ed!


  At exactly 6:45, Ed gets up. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:00, Ed washes his face. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:05, Ed combs his hair. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:10, Ed gets dressed. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:15, Ed eats breakfast. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:25, Ed brushes his teeth. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 7:30, Ed walks to school. He’s Exactly Ed.

  At exactly 8:00, Ed sits at his desk. WHY? Because he’s Exactly Ed!


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