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少儿英语歌曲:Dinosur Days
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/18 16:13  朗文backpack少儿英语


  Dinosaurs Days

  HOST: Hello! It’s time for another episode of Backpack! Today… well, today, we’re going to learn about different kinds of animals… animals like dinosaurs! Here’s a song called “dinosaur Days!” Let’s listen.


  Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, what do we know: What were they like, and where did they go?

  Some were huge, some were smaller. Some were short, and some were taller.

  Some were fast, and some were slow. They lived many millions of years ago.

  Some walked on two legs, some walked on four. They had long names like plesiosaur.

  Some ate plants, some ate meat. I think dinosaurs are really neat!


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