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少儿英语歌曲:How do they do that
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/18 16:14  朗文backpack少儿英语


  How Do They Do That?

  HOST: Hello! Welcome to Backpack! Today’s show’s about inventions. Let’s start by singing this song. It’s called “How Do They Do That?”


  How do people think of things like telephones and twine? How do they get such great ideas with brains like yours and mine?

  How did we invent the wheel? And was it made of rock? How did people know the time before there was a clock?

  Who invented bars of soap? That guy was pretty wise. How did someone ever guess hot air balloons would rise?

  Who invented eyeglasses and then the contact lens? Who came up with crayons or thought of ballpoint pens?

  One day you might come upon a problem you need to fix. Just reach into your mind, it’s like a bag of tricks!


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