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故事:Old days and wodern world
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 13:42  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文故事:Old days and wodern world
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  HOST: One hundred years is a long time. How did people use to live back then? Before telephones or airplanes or computers? Let’s watch this story and find out.


  You live in modern world. Computers. Telephones. Cars. Airplanes.

  But how did people use to live?

  A long time ago, people wrote letters and books on rolls of paper like these. They’re called scrolls.

  Today, we use computers and the Internet to write to other people. And what’s this? It’s a telephone. Look how big the telephone was back then.

  Today, our telephones are very small. And we can use them anywhere!

  Take a look at these cars. They didn’t go very fast. And back then, very few people had cars. But today, lots of people have cars and cars go very fast!

  Look at this. It’s an airplane. The Wright brothers invented the airplane. These are pictures of their first plane.

  Today, we fly everywhere. We fly from one country to another country. We even fly into space!

  Before computers, telephones, cars, or airplanes, life used to be very different!


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