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英文小故事欣赏:It's winter
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 13:35  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文小故事欣赏:It's winter
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  HOST: Saturdays are fun. Everyone likes to play on Saturday. This Saturday Nick’s at Theo’s house. It’s cold and snowy, and they’re going to play.

  THEO’S MOTHER: Theo! You can’t play in those clothes.

  THEO: Why?

  THEO’S MOTHER: Well, look at Nick. It’s winter! It’s cold! You have to dress for the season. It’s windy, cloudy, cold, and snowy!

  THEO: But mom!

  THEO’S MOTHER: No. You’re wearing sandals, shorts, and a T-shirt! Theo, you wear clothes like that in spring and summer. It’s not sunny and hot now!

  THEO: Mom… we’re not…

  THEO’S MOTHER: I don’t want to hear it.

  THEO: But… I don’t need…

  THEO’S MOTHER: No! You have to dress warmly. You were sick Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Remember?

  THEO: Yes. I was sick then, but we’re playing…

  HOST: Theo’s mother gives him a hat, a sweater, a jacket, a scarf, and gloves. But wait! She isn’t finished with Theo. Now Theo needs to put on jeans, and socks, and boots.

  THEO’S MOTHER: There! Now you can play. Theo! Where are you going?

  THEO: That’s what I was trying to tell you. We are going to play but in my room!

  HOST: When I left my house this morning it was cool, wet, and rainy. I’m going home now… and, it’s still cool, wet, and rainy. So, I’m wearing a raincoat and I have an umbrella, too. See you next time!


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