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英文小故事:Making ice-cream
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 13:38  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文小故事欣赏:Making ice-cream
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  I love food! One of my favorite food is ice cream. Sometime I buy ice cream in the supermarket. I also like to go to the ice cream shop. How do they make ice cream? Let’s watch and find out.


  Ice cream. It’s fun. It’s cold. And it tastes good. Here at Amy’s Ice Cream Shop, ice cream is made with lots of old-fashioned ingredients! Let’s watch how chocolate chip ice cream is made.

  It all starts with fresh cream. The cream is put in a machine to make it really cold.

  When the cream is cold, it looks likes this. Then it’s put in containers.

  Next, the chocolate chips are mixed in. And finally the top is put on the container. And it’s put in the freezer. Now it’s ice cream! But at Amy’s Ice Cream Shop, getting the ice cream is as fun as eating it! Yum! Let’s get some ice cream!


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