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英文对话边看边学:Farm Animals
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 14:06  朗文backpack少儿英语


英文对话边看边学:Farm Animals
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  HOST: I like farms and farm animals. What are some farm animals? Well, here` s a story about lots of farm animals. Let` s watch.


  Farmer Brown has lots of cows. Here` s a black and white cow. what` s it doing?

  It` s eating a carrot. And here` s baby cow with farmer Brown.

  Look at the horses. They` re running. And they` re very fast.

  There are lots of chickens on farmer Brown` s farm. These chickens are walking.

  And these chickens are eating. Do you know what this is? What this is a duck…

  oh, look… there are lots of ducks! They` re swimming. Here` s a goat.

  Wow! Farmer Brown ha lots of animals in her farm. She has cows,

  horses, chickens, goats, and ducks!


  HOST: Hello. Today we` re talking about farm animals with Maria and Matt.

  Maria, what are your favorite farm animals?

  MARIA: Hmm…I like lots of different farm animals. I like cows, and horses, and ducks.

  HOST: Good…Matt, what are your favorite farm animals?

  MATT: I like cows, too. And I like sheep. And I like…well, horses, too.

  HOST: Okay. Let` s play a game. We` re on a farm. And we` re talking about farm animals. This farm animal is a type of bird. It` s swimming. What is it? Maria.

  MARIA: It` s a duck!

  HOST: Yes. It` s a duck. Good . Okay…this farm animal has four legs. It` s eating. And it` s moooooooooooing. What is it? Matt.

  MATT: It` s a cow!

  HOST: Very good. It` s a cow. Okay. We` re still in a farm. This farm animal has four legs. it` s running, and it` s fast. What is it? Maria.

  MARIA: It` s a horse.

  HOST: That` s right. Very good! There are lots of farm animals.

  What` s your favorite farm animal? Well, that` s our show for today. Next time, it` s Kim` s birthday! See you next time. Goodbye.


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