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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/08/19 13:44  朗文backpack少儿英语


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  HOST: Do you like space? You know… galaxies, solar systems, constellations, comets? Well, Corey does. In fact, he has a new telescope. And he’s really excited about studying space. Right now, he’s showing his new telescope to Jenna. Let’s watch.

  COREY: Isn’t it cool?

  JENNA: Yeah. I guess so.

  COREY: You guess so? Do you know what this is?

  JENNA: Of course… it’s a telescope.

  COREY: A telescope? A telescope? It’s not just a telescope. It’s the newest and the best telescope!

  JENNA: Okay… whatever.

  COREY: Have you ever looked through a telescope?

  JENNA: Uh… no. Oh, no! Look at the time! I have to go home. I have to help my little brother.

  COREY: Wait! Come here. Look at these pictures on the internet. At night, I can see all this with my new telescope!

  JENNA: Corey, I really have to go.

  COREY: Just a second. Come here. Look!

  JENNA: Is that the Earth’s moon?

  COREY: Yeah. I can see the Earth’s moon. And I can see different planets, too… like Mars and Jupiter.

  JENNA: Wow! Mars and Jupiter are really pretty. That’s cool!

  COREY: Yeah. Look at this. It’s the Crab Nebula.

  JENNA: Wow! That’s beautiful! Can I look at some pictures? This is really exciting!

  COREY: Uh… Jenna, don’t you have to go home?

  JENNA: Wow! Look at this comet!

  COREY: Jenna, you need to go home. You need to help your little brother.

  JENNA: My brother can wait. I want to stay here. Looking at the planets tonight with your telescope is going to be fun!

  COREY: Jenna…

  JENNA: Wait. Is it dark enough to see Mars?

  COREY: Jenna, you have to go home.

  JENNA: But my brother can wait.

  COREY: You don’t understand. I have to eat dinner and do my homework.

  JENNA: Oh, okay. Well, maybe I can wait here.

  COREY: Goodbye, Jenna. I’ll see you tomorrow at school!

  HOST: If I had a telescope, I’d look at the different planets in our solar system, too. The telescope, which was invented hundreds of years ago, is still an important and useful tool for astronomers. That’s our show for today. I hope you had fun! Goodbye! I’ll see you next time on Backpack!


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