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献给忧郁王子巴乔的歌--Better Man
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/01 10:13  国际在线


  Out of all the members of Take That, Robbie Williams never really seemed to fit in. Roguishly handsome where his bandmates were merely cute, Williams was tougher and sexier than the rest, which made him more distinctive. He also fought regularly with the other members and their management, primarily because he was occasionally adverse to being so heavily packaged.

  So it didn't come as a surprise that he was the first to leave the band, departing early in the summer of 1995 to pursue a solo career; by some accounts, he was fired from the group. Although he was the first out of the gate, it took Williams awhile to get started.

  For most of 1995, he attempted to boost his credibility by tagging along with Oasis, hoping that Noel Gallagher would give him a couple of songs. He never did, but all of his time with Oasis launched Williams into a world of heavy partying, drinking, and drugging. Over the course of 1996, he was only heard from in gossip columns, and every published picture indicated he had put on considerable weight. Occasionally, he was quoted as saying his new music would abandon lightweight dance-pop for traditional Brit-pop, but his first single was a cover of George Michael's "Freedom '90." Released late in 1996, the single was a disaster, but his second single, 1997's "Old Before I Die," was more in the vein of his early pronouncements, featuring a distinct Oasis influence.

  Williams released his first solo album, Life Thru a Lens, in 1997. The album became a big hit in Britain, prompting his second, I've Been Expecting You, in 1998. The Ego Has Landed, a U.S.-only compilation designed for breaking Williams to American audiences, was released stateside in the spring of 1999. Sing When You're Winning followed in late 2000, gaining success with the video hit "Rock DJ," while a big-band album of standards (Swing When You're Winning) appeared a year later.

  During 2002, Williams celebrated an enormous new contract with EMI (rumored to be upward of 80 million dollars), but suffered the loss of his longtime production partner, Guy Chambers. Escapology, the fifth Robbie Williams album (and the last including Chambers' input), sold millions of copies in Europe, though it failed to persuade American audiences. As a result, the 2003 concert record Live at Knebworth wasn't released in the States.

  Robbie Williams公开做个人发展,在九十年代乐坛是一个极大的讽刺,因为他在解散前的著名男孩组合Take That里,一直都只是担任小角色,所做的事就是逗人开心, 而当Take That解散时,队中五位成员中也只有Robbie Williams的去向最叫人担心,因为他在队中从未唱过歌,要做独立发展,恐怕是在开玩笑吧!

  但是世事无绝对,虽然Robbie Williams初出唱片时备受冷落,风头完全给前队友Gary Barlow抢去,可是自从Gary Barlow被揭发吸食可卡因后, 声势不但一落千丈, 连昔日被喻为Take That中最具才华的神气也消失了。在这种此消彼长的情况下,Robbie Williams 以一个意想不到的摇滚歌手形象,竟赢得了英国乐迷的支持。

  大家也许觉得奇怪,为什么这位昔日的搞笑大王现在竟能成为摇滚巨星?当然他的首张个人大碟《Life Thru A Lens》,在外获得一致好评是主要原因,其次就是他是正宗的足球迷。在英国,热爱足球的歌手通常都会获得乐迷的喜爱。尤其他是伦敦老牌球会爱华顿的拥护者,自然在伦敦区得到广泛的支持。

  此后的专辑《I have Been Expecting You》,在千禧年出现,配以他的应景劲作《Millenium》,令他的声势更加强劲。不过,他的个人宣传更是出色,说的就是他和全伦敦街头都知道的粗口Oasis主音的骂战。两个大男人由于都是英国乐坛的焦点人物,所以这场骂战无疑就是世纪之战,也因此两人在美国的声名日盛,连带美国乐迷都对此事深表关注。同年他在Brit Awards、MTV Music Award等音乐赛事中夺得大奖。

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