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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/26 19:44  国际在线

  Sooty has set a new world record for the most valentine cards sent to a guinea pig.

  The three-year-old guinea pig from Wales received 206 cards from as far away as New Zealand to gain a bizarre entry in the latest edition of Guinness World Records published on Friday.

  Sooty was joined in the ranks of the world's weirdest and wackiest achievers by Briton Paul Hunn who scooped the record for the world's largest burp. Louder than a pile driver, his burps can be heard from a distance of 30 metres.

  Not to be outdone, Canadian Christa Rasanayagam set a new record when accompanied up the aisle by no less than 79 bridesmaids aged from one to 79.

  American Ashrita Furman found yet more Guinness immortality by pushing an orange one mile with his nose in 24 minutes and 36 seconds.

  Furman is no stranger to Guinness, laying claim to a total of 94 official records with such bizarre feats as climbing Mount Fuji on a pogo stick, underwater rope jumping and lighting 27,000 candles on a birthday cake in New York.









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