新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 国际在线 > 珍妮佛洛佩茲英文歌欣赏:爱情非卖品

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/10/09 16:26  国际在线



  Love Don't Cost a Thing 爱情非卖品

  You think you gotta keep me 1)iced 你想让我穿金戴银,

  You don't 你办不到。

  You think I'm gonna spend your cash 你想我会花你的钱,

  I won't 我不会。

  Even if you were 2)broke 即使你破产了,

  My love don't 3)cost a thing 我的爱也无需花一文。

  Think I wanna drive your Benz 你想我会开你的奔驰,

  I don't 我不会。

  If I wanna 4)floss I got my own 如果我想打扮我花自己的。

  Even if you were broke 即使你破产了,

  My love don't cost a thing 我的爱也无需花一文。

  When you rolled up in the 5)Escalade 当你乘着滚梯上来,

  Saw that truck you gave to the 6)valet 看见你把行李交给男仆。

  Knew that it was game when you looked at me 当你看着我时,我知道游戏开始了。

  Pulling up your sleeve so I could see the 7)Rolley bling 你卷起袖子让我看到你的名表。

  Saw you later in the corner booth 后来在街角的咖啡座碰见你,

  Raising up a toast so I would notice you 你举起酒杯好让我注意你,

  But your heart's a 8)mess 但是你心乱如麻,

  Think you 9)outta know 我想你应该知道,

  Doesn't matter if you're balling out of control 我不会在意你是否情难自控。

  All that matters is 重要的是,

  That you 10)treat me right 你要好好对我。

  Give me all the things I need 给我一切我需要的,

  That money can't buy yeah 金钱买不到的东西。

  When I 11)took a chance 我怀着侥幸心理,

  Thought you'd understand 以为你会明白,

  Baby credit cards aren't romance 信用卡不代表浪漫。

  So you're 12)tryna buy what's already yours 你只是在买已经属于你的东西,

  What I need from is not 13)available in stores 而我需要的在商店里买不到。

  Seen a side of you that I really feel 我看到你真正的一面,

  14)Doing way too much, never keep it real 办事太形式化,从不真诚。

  If it doesn't change, gotta 15)hit the road 如果事情没有改变,我就要离开。

  Now I'm leaving, where's my keys? 现在我要走了,我的车钥匙呢?

  I've got to go 我真的得走了。

  A thing, a thing, a thing 物质,物质,物质,

  You think the money that you make 你以为你赚的钱,

  Can 16)substitute the time you take 可以代替你在我身上花的时间。

  Take the keys here to my heart 拿到开启我心灵的钥匙,

  Then you can win my heart, 然后才能赢得我的芳心,

  And get what's in my heart 得到我全部的爱。

  I think you need to take some time 我想你得花点时间,

  To show me that your love is true 来证明你对我的爱是真的,

  There's more than dollar signs in you 你心中的爱要比金钱还多,

  Then you can win my heart, 然后才能赢得我的芳心,

  And get what's in my heart 得到我全部的爱。

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