美国一飞行员错发劫机信号引发一片恐慌 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/09/27 16:40 国际在线 |
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In the world of aviation, what's the difference between the codes 7600 and 7500? It turns out plenty of panic. Deputies and a SWAT team surrounded a plane at the Georgetown County Airport after one of the pilots accidentally entered a code saying the aircraft has been hijacked. State Ports Authority Chairman Harry Butler was flying the plane from Georgetown to Columbia on Thursday morning when he lost both radios. The weather wasn't good enough to land in Columbia without the radio, so he turned back to the coast, where it was clear. En route, his co-pilot sent a message on a signal device. He was supposed to type 7600, which means "lost communications." But instead, he punched in 7500, which reports a hijacking, Butler said. Air traffic controllers in Myrtle Beach then notified federal authorities, who sent in the local deputies. Butler said he had no idea what happened until he landed and a dozen deputies surrounded his plane. FBI agents and officials from the Federal Aviation Administration questioned the pair for about two hours, Butler said. |
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美国一飞行员错发劫机信号引发一片恐慌 |
在航空通讯领域,7600和7500这两个代码的含义到底有什么不同?如果没有搞清这一点的话,那由此而引发的恐慌情绪可就大了。22日,当一架降落在美国南卡罗莱纳州乔治敦县机场的飞机错误的发送通讯代码声称自己已被劫持后,相关执法人员和一个特警小组迅速将该飞机团团围住。 据美联社9月24日报道,其实事情的原委是这样的,南卡罗莱纳州机场管理机构的负责人哈里-巴特勒当天清晨亲自驾机从乔治敦飞往该州首府哥伦比亚市,此时他突然发现机上的两部无线电通讯设备均已损坏。由于天气不好,飞机无法在没有通讯设备的情况下降落,于是他掉转机头飞回晴空万里的大西洋沿岸地带。巴特勒表示,在返航途中,他的副驾驶员使用信号发送装置向地面发回了一条信息。此人本打算键入7600,其含义是"失去联系",但他实际上按下的却是7500,意思一下子变成了“飞机已被劫持”。 该州爱神木海滩地区的空中交通管制人员立即将此信息通知了派驻在当地有关机构的联邦政府执法人员。巴特勒声称,在飞机安全降落且有12名执法人员将其围住前,自己根本不清楚到底发生了些什么。而此后,联邦调查局的调查人员和来自联邦航空管理局的官员对他们俩进行了大约两个小时的盘问,才弄明白这是虚惊一场。(文/张咏) |
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